Monday, November 7, 2016

Reading for November 7, 2016

Fog (veiled), New Moon (promise) & Wunjo "JOY" (rune): 

Move out of the way, the new relationship you have been asking for is about to arrive. Have you been secretly wishing for someone to come along--someone who understands the deepest part of you, who will have your back, someone funny, kind and who will treat you the way you should be treated? Apparently they're about to arrive. From a dark, painful past relationship where lies and maybe even abuse was in the forefront, comes a partnership with no drama, no fear. It's time to heal, to open ourselves up and be cherished. And if love isn't what you want, maybe it's a new friendship, or self love. The truth is, we must love ourselves first NO MATTER WHAT. To match the vibration energy of that knight of shinning armor (or maiden) we must be in love with ourselves. Say: "I am beautiful, flaws and all. I love my flaws. I see my greatness. I am funny. I am wise. I am the perfect package. I love me. All of me. Nothing is wrong with me. I am perfect the way I am. I deserve love." And be happy about it. Dance. Laugh. Take care of yourself. And so it shall be.

Note: see the yellow in both cards? It's the light, the joy, the new love, cutting through all the pain of your past. Clouds may hang around for a short while, but they do go away eventually. It also tells me that the manifestations you made during this recent new moon are on their way.


Sunday, November 6, 2016

Reading for Sunday, November 6, 2016

Image may contain: makeup

Wolf (Instinct) & Lotus Flower (Unfoldment) & Wunjo (Rune)—

If we all work together, beautiful things can happen. And if you work with Spirit, beautiful changes will occur in your life. You have the ability to connect and you are aligned with the energy of abundance. It's true! When we are born we are awake, and as we grow we fall asleep. The meaning of our lives is to slowly awaken once again to our divine ability, our divine self. Right now, you are perfect and everything is about to unfold the way it was meant to. You have the knowledge of all time, of all ancestries--it's in you. There is nothing we can't access and know, be, have. Nothing. Open yourself, use your natural born gifts to create the life you want. Say: I am my highest self right now. I lack nothing. And so it shall be.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Reading for the day—November 4, 2016—

If You Believe: 

There is a house or property you've been trying to acquire without much success. It means a lot to you spiritually and you have been disappointed in the past efforts. While you are fairly content living in the home you currently own this other place holds a sacredness close to your heart, so much that you can barely stop thinking about it, but you are afraid time is running out and someone else will get it instead. You must focus, stay positive, and manifest yourself into the situation. Stop being negative. Drive by the house, ask about the house, see yourself living there, see yourself happy there, tell yourself you already own the house, put aside part of your petty cash for a future down payment. Do anything you can to make it happen. Say: I can and I will. The magic is in your hands. Work with the divine to provide this fantastic opportunity and don't say no to you or anyone else. Make it happen.


Thursday, November 3, 2016

Reading for November 3, 2016

Dance (celebration), Rainbow (blessings), Music (harmony): 

Appreciate all that you have. Take a moment to sit down and really go over the blessings in your life. If you are at a low point and can't see beyond your current troubles, it really does help to remember those who are less fortunate, because believe it or not, there are people out there in worse situations. You may be going through some truly horrible times, but things change, things get better. Life is up and down and will get better again. You are asked to listen to music and dance the same way as when you were younger--maybe in your teens. It may seem silly, but why not at least try?Think about it, if things haven't been going well, does sitting around being miserable help or hurt the situation? I had the image of a caterpillar and heard 'inch by inch,' so think about how even the smallest action, one by one, each day, will help improve things. I'm feel that you do have many blessings but right now you are stuck in an overwhelming energy of lack and sadness, even boredom and disbelief that anything good can happen in the future. But that's just the ego tricking you. Things will improve, and will do so much faster when you open yourself to happiness and light. Again, take in the sunrise and sunset--there's something in it that is healing. Listen to music in your car, on your headphones,etc. Listen to the sound of the birds singing--there's something about that. Maybe it's the angels singing : ) you never know. Take care.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Reading for November 2, 2016

Image may contain: 1 person

Nine of Fire—

About to give up? Afraid you don't have what it takes to complete your heart's desire? Well, think again. You have come too far and worked too hard to give up, in fact, maybe you're closer than you think to finding success. All the hard work you've done would only benefit someone else if you stopped at this point, and why allow that to happen when you clearly deserve to be rewarded for all that effort? Maybe you feel the world has placed too many demands on your shoulders, but it was only because you were strong enough. Take it as a course in courage. The only one who didn't believe, was you, and now it's time to take the final exam: go for the gold--literally. Picture a gold medal in your mind with your name on it. All you have to do is run one more race and it's yours forever. I feel that it's time to look into developing your solar plexus chakra--located right above your belly button. To do so take a few deep breaths and imagine a bright yellow sun radiating into your body. Let it heal all the self-doubt, negative talk, and all the harmful words from other people that have belittled you. We all have a divine purpose in life, don't let anyone talk you down or steer you off your path. In reality, though jealous, most people do actually want to see us succeed because it means they'll be able to as well. Be that bright shining light to everyone. Say, I can. I am. I have great ability. I was born to do this. I love doing this. I am ready for success. And so it shall be. Amen. Shine.


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Reading for November 1, 2016

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Meditation Brings Answers (from the Doreen Virtue Angel Answers oracle cards)

If you have been experiencing poor health and/or low energy, you are asked to take a break, take more naps, go to bed earlier, and if you can, to start a routine of meditation. Even five minutes a day would be beneficial. A very stressful period has just come to a head and you need to regenerate yourself before the Christmas season comes along. Find a peaceful spot in your home that would be best for a quiet activity, close your eyes, and listen to the sound of your breath. Let each breath rejuvenate and cleanse away all the worrying thoughts and fears you've been holding onto. Wear the color purple, gold, royal blue, use lavender oil, seek a more peaceful route in all that you do, wear, eat, think, etc. There is great energy and light inside and around you, and all you have to do is sit still and allow it to come in. If there is some truth, or some answer you have been asking of the Universe, this is how it will be revealed. It would be good to 'unplug' once in a while, and even a short walk in nature would do a world of good. Stay away from too much caffeine and sugar. Again, there is a great deal of high energy in you that is blocked and needs to match up with the divinity from your guides and angels. Take in the sunset and the sunrise--these are special times where you will feel most how much you are guided and loved from not only our angels but loved one who have passed on. Peace.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Reading for October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween!

King of Swords: Being on guard. Taking control of your thoughts--not letting anyone pull the wool over your eyes. Ready to fight for what you believe in- even if it means asking for legal help. If this is another person in your life, it's someone with a biting wit. Maybe they don't realize how much they can hurt you, but words truly do cut deep and cause scars. Worst of all? They always have to be right. "I told you so" is one the worst faults of these people and it's hard to tell them how you feel in fear of retribution. It's their way or no way. You'll just have to ease off and take the peaceful route, because this person is not backing off. If they try to provoke you, just say you're busy and have to attend to errands, and leave. It's not your job to stand around and be verbally abused by anyone. This card is also about law--lawyers, people in high authority, police officers, so watch your speed today. The lighter side of this is that the King of Swords can be quite funny and well read--so if you enjoy that, go ahead and engage but keep out of personal attacks. Maybe you'll end up talking about books and politics--just beware and keep it light. Peace.

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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Reading for October 27, 2016

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 How are you balancing your relationships, your money, time, energy? Is there someone in your life who takes and never gives back? Sometimes we give just to keep the peace and then become unbalanced in our own lives because of it. You may be sacrificing too much for those who are unappreciative and the stress is most likely affecting your health. There are projects you'd like to work on but someone else always comes first. Sadly, there are those who do this on purpose because they don't want you to succeed. They purposefully create obstacles and disturbances just to keep you from working on that which would bring you happiness and success. Don't let them! It's okay to say no, and it's okay to put yourself first. Especially if it's affecting your health and/or finances. And happiness. The first thing is prioritize what you must get done every day, and if someone continually cuts in, say, NO, I have to get this done. I can help you before or after, but I HAVE to get this done. If they can't respect that, then you don't have to answer the phone. Create an invisible wall around you of protection and say, this person cannot cross until I've taken care of myself. Give, and take. Keep it balanced. Do not give more than you receive from repeat offenders. Keep your projects at a high priority. See them as errands to run for yourself. Pretend that you are a friend who needs help. Are you a high priority? Do you matter? Of course you do. All can be accomplished, and life can be in perfect balance when we use loving assertiveness. Being used all the time isn't healthy for us OR them. I hope this helps and have a wonderful day.


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Messages for October 26, 2016:

Ceremony (Invocation) & Rain (Purification)

This is an intense time of spiritual energy surrounding you right now. You are precious to the Universe, and your spiritual team is both guarding and helping you to grow in all ways. If you feel more in tune with the earth, with feelings of love (or sadness) or sensing other people's emotions, of changes in appetite, not wanting to be around chemicals, loud noises, crowds, etc, then know you are developing more sensitivity to the Divine. You are so beautiful to the angels and your spirit guides—they want you to be happy and safe, and healthy. Take a walk in the rain, or take a warm Epsom salt bath. Drink plenty of water. Tune in to the higher energies (positive energies) and know that any coincidences you have been experiencing are all part of your spiritual development. Trust your gut, honor your feelings. Darker energies will try to pull you into doubt and negative thoughts, people, fears, but stay positive. Call upon Archangel Micheal and ask for his protection. Say to yourself: I AM SAFE. And so it shall be. Light surrounds you even in the darkest moments. Your psychic gifts are developing rapidly so of course lower energies will want to create obstacles and doubt. But you are strong. You are safe. All will be well. Create a space in your home where you can meditate and retreat. This is just one step to a higher level of becoming your highest, most beautiful self. Peace.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Reading for October 24, 2016:

2 of Swords, Page of Pentacles (in reverse), Six of Wands in reverse), Judgement, 2 of Wands:

Learning to trust your own judgement. Having limited information in an intense time of change and turning toward your internal resources to make decisions. Moving forward blindly. Feeling a great call to change something in your life and being alone in that decision-making. Looking into the future, waiting for something to happen. Gut feelings that spur you into action. Messages: You'll have to trust your own intuition at this time. Think upon the past and decide if what you went through is acceptable. Do you think you deserve more of the same? It's likely you already know what the answer is but fear is holding you back. Have more confidence about your abilities. Create positive change by taking small steps toward your goal. Don't hide from the truth.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Reading for October 19, 2016

Ace of Pentacles and Ace of Wands. You are walking through a new gateway of prosperity. Things are finally moving ahead. New growth, new opportunities. Think high—the best of the best, the highest of the highest. Don't allow yourself to doubt any more. Instead of looking down, look up, think UP. The sky's the limit. All the best. If you think it, it will start to blossom. Green grass. For you it's Spring, even though it's fall in many places, you can have a renewal in your life, in all that you do: your work, in finding new friends or reconnecting with those you already know, creativity, family, love. It's all ready for a reboot. NO more being in the dark and suffering. You are a true leader--the path is clear. The storm is leaving. Be positive. Hold positive thoughts in your mind. Start each day with a positive thought. And go to bed the same way. Upward journey. You have the Midas touch. Those are the messages for today.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Messages for October 18, 2016:

Messages for October 18, 2016: 

Judgement and Two of Wands. Time to decide what you want to do with your life. Time to make plans. No more distracting yourself, start making a list of what you can get done each day and stick to it. Accept help if it's offered. Know that you can't do everything alone, such as housework, errands, and it's other people's jobs as well: children, spouse, roommates, etc. Start asking yourself if you've done the work (on your personal goals) to deserve success that might come in, and if so, why don't you believe you're worthy of receiving it? Storms may be brewing around you, drama on Facebook, social media, between family and so forth, but know that you don't have to engage, but also that it's okay to state your case and not feel indebted to defend it for long lengths of time. Others may judge your opinion, but let them and leave the argument, if one should happen. Use your time for activities that will serve you. When it comes to what you can give to others, know that any good karma you create will come back tenfold. If a child needs your help, give it. Your time will be compensated later on. You are in charge. That's the overall message. No one has access to your personal power, your time, etc. It's yours and you can waste it or use it for great things, in the end time will reward you. Also, know the difference between a fool and foolish. A fool is a dreamer, and listens to divine guidance without fear and ego-based thoughts. Foolish is when you squander your resources, time, money, on things that won't serve you in the long run. Again, you are in charge and your future is up to you. Every day is in your hands and you have the ability to make great things happen.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Messages for July 12, 2016

At least for today I've decided to do a video reading for the daily message, but we'll see how long that lasts! I'm pretty shy. Hopefully I can stick to it and not shy out. No matter what I'll still do the readings, written or otherwise. I wish you all a wonderful, beautiful day!

Daily reading for all signs: July 12, 2016. Guidance, tarot. Taurus, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Message for July 11, 2016

Five of Wands: 

Chaos in the world, in your thoughts. Chaos around you and not knowing what to do about it. Confusion. Toxic energy. Being at odds with yourself and any decisions you have to make. Feeling unsure. You need confirmation of some sort on the intuitions you've been having, but it just isn't coming yet. You feel as if you are in the dark with mosquitoes flying around your head. It's time to gather your thoughts, step back, let all the opinions and behaviors of others fall away. Breathe and get clarity. Ask the universe to send you signs and answers to your questions. You may find songs on the radio, TV shows, headlines, things people say, feathers on your path, repeated numbers, coins . . . that resonate with you. Don't fall into a pattern of old thinking, instead you need to open up and allow the universe to teach and guide you. Instead of allowing the chaos to draw you into more chaos, be the stronger person and show how peace and silence can bring about positive change. Move away from the battle, instead of into it. This isn't your battle, It doesn't have to be a battle at all. Seek peace, seek answers. You are wise and already know the truth but need to trust it and most of all believe in yourself. Trust that the calm, secure feeling you have in your gut is the answer, and when you feel tight and afraid and angry, that's NOT the answer. If there are people and situations around you that cause you to feel the 'bad' stuff, then that's your answer. Step away from that. Keep moving toward YOUR answer. YOUR truth.

Wishing you a Happy Monday.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Message for July 8, 2016

Amy Saia's photo.

Ace of Cups

How full is your cup? What's in your cup? Is it bitter, or sweet? Is it a health drink, or something sugary and energy depleting? Does it fulfill you . . . is it half-full or half-empty? The truth is, you've been given this 'cup' today, and it's up to you to provide the contents. It's an opportunity for growth and healing, for abundance, for love . . . one-to-one love as well as love of all people and all situations. We each have a cup, and we each add or take away. Some are selfish and only take, take, take. Soon they will look and see their cup is empty (karma reversed things). Believe me, your cup will always be filled if you give a little to all using the best of intentions. It replenishes constantly, and even more when you give lovingly to yourself. For the more you nourish yourself, the more you have to offer. This Ace of Cups is about love, self love, divine love, and the abundance of knowing you are perfect and lovable in every way. YOU are the cup.

I wish you a happy Friday.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Messages for July 7, 2016

Amy Saia's photo.

The Star

Divine protection, divine love and guidance. You are being looked upon by the angels and kept in a bubble of positive energy. If you've had bad luck, bad health, money issues, self-doubt, give them up to your angels and know that they will provide you with the healing that you need. You are powerfully connected right now and can manifest great things, but it does mean having faith and stopping negative thought patterns. This is a good day to work on creative projects as there's great potential for success. Let your worries ease up and focus everything you have on your work. This is a card of wishes coming true, happiness, love, good health, prosperity. It's a gift from the Universe. Remember to tell the angels 'thank you' and show them your gratitude by extending kindness to others. You are a powerful being, loved by many, and the Universe is so proud of you. Truly, your light is shining. 

Have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Allow Change

photo credit: <a href="">American Robin Chicks</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>

The other week I noticed a theme in nature: extreme change and death. On my daily walk with my dachshund Henry, I saw littered along the sidewalk the effects of nature during a time of transformation. Baby birds who had fallen to the ground and died, most likely pushed out of the nest by their offspring, parents, or themselves--a first-flight disaster. Sad to see, but nature is it's own counselor and in some ways it's refreshing to see that that which is left unattended, attends to itself. I also saw unhatched eggs of delicate, sky blue. Shattered shells. Bunches of feathers from what appeared to be a hawk's feast. I also saw numerous snakeskin, all silvery and opaque, still holding the life-shape, yet not the inner workings.

That's another thing about nature, when one situation is too constricting, it's time to shed the skin, leave the nest, or be pushed out of the nest. There's none of this 'stay until you die' rhetoric which humans live by. 'You'll never get me to leave this crappy job. I've been here for forty years and no one can replace me. I'll die before I leave!' Even though the job gives you migraines, doesn't pay enough, doesn't let you take a vacation or sick leave, doesn't advance . . . But still , we persist. Or how about the relationship that runs into a toxic cycle of argument after argument, and both of you know it's over, but neither one is allowed to leave? Humans tend to live by an old doctrine of face it until it's dead. Literally dead. Physically dead. The truth is, spiritually it had died a long time ago but we refused to see it. We went through years of sadness and anger, we let it destroy our health, our happiness, all because we were told it was shameful and selfish to LOVE YOURSELF FIRST.

Loving yourself first doesn't mean you hate anyone else. It doesn't mean you want others to suffer or be hurt, or that you're better than them. It simply means that you know what is good and bad for you, and knowing that, you make decisions which are progressive and which will serve ALL PARTIES. Not just you, because a positive action will always benefit others. Loving yourself first means you love yourself, and everyone else, too. You are your sole provider on this earth when it comes to real, honest, decision-making, and you know that when you make decision based on other people's wants/needs/desires it will only end up bringing negativity into your life. That's where stress-related health issues come up, not to mention depression. It's not wrong to love yourself first, it's smart.

But it's also extremely difficult.

When making a major life decision, remember to list the pros and cons. Write down if the change will truly benefit you, or hurt you? And others? Look at it from all angles, and never make a decision based on anger or rash wants and needs. Look at the long term. Think about what you really want and if the grass is truly greener on the other side. Also, do think about if you're being selfish--and when I say selfish, I mean, am I doing this to hurt someone else on purpose? There's a difference between doing something you know is truly good for you and will help you on your path to being a better person but which might ruffle a few feathers, and doing something that has the intent of bringing pain and revenge. Of course, the latter would only hurt you eventually. It does come back, believe it or not.

On one of my walks I found a baby bird lying in the hot street, still breathing and very much alive. I approached it carefully, timid so that it wouldn't snip at me with it's tiny beak. It opened wide and squawked at me, and soon a flurry of other birds dive-bombed out of the trees, all crying out in warning. They didn't want me to help, the baby didn't want me to help. But I knew that it needed help, because if I didn't do something, a car would run right over it and never know. I grabbed an old bank envelope form my purse and scooped up the baby and hurriedly carried it to a patch of shady grass where it could either learn to fly, or die. My hopes were that it's parents would fly down and provide a makeshift nest on the ground to accommodate it. I couldn't guarantee it would happen, but at least now it had some hope.

In life there's always a choice. We dither and worry over change. We refuse help over and over again, because we're afraid, so afraid of the transformation. But believe me when I say there is a wiser, all knowing hand reaching out to us that wants us to beauty and joy of the newness that change brings. Happiness is not for certain people, it's for all people. Reach out for it, and know that there are many who will benefit.

Many blessings and peace.

Messages for July 5, 2016

Amy Saia's photo.


This card flew out of the deck as I was shuffling. You have the strength to overcome any obstacle. You have the strength to face any decision. You have the strength to stand in your own personal truth. No one and nothing can stop you because you have learned the hard lessons and stayed true to yourself and FOUGHT for yourself. Do not go backwards into doubt, no matter what story someone else feeds you. You know what you know now, so don't let doubt kick in. You hold the beast in your hands--the beast of fear, abuse, the future, the unknown, self-criticism, self-hatred, others' opinions, judgements, and you WILL overcome. Much like the Devil card, the Strength card reminds us that we can be chained, or set free. We can control the beast, or let it control us. But there IS A BEAST in your life, and it's up to you to decide what to do with it. 

I think a lot of us are going through huge transformations right now. We are being faced with the challenge to stay or to go, and part of us is still clinging to old situations out of fear and doubt. But we must ask ourselves this: has that old situation been good for us? Did we give it a chance to change and it didn't? Do we think it will change, and are we really willing to compromise ourselves once again to change with it? If you could have your life be a certain way right now, what would you choose? The old way, or a newer, better way that serves your highest good? Why you we think a life of less (less love, less truth, less hope, less money, less success, less happiness . . .) is okay? We must grab hold of the beast of the 'less' and tell it who's boss. You have the power. You are strong. You were born to be strong. 

This is a time of great change and you can change with it--in a powerful beautiful way that serves you to the very core. Do not give yourself to others just so they can use and hurt you over and over again. It's like . . . living with your head in the jaws of the lion and saying you're fine. You're not fine. You're scared, you're tired. Be the lion tamer. Grab those jaws. Surge forward with strength and tenacity. Roar, claw at the chains, rip apart your fears. Love you with all the fierceness of the universe. 


Friday, July 1, 2016

Messages for July 1, 2016

Amy Saia's photo.

The Chariot: 

You are slowly gaining in power and strength and events in your life will speed up to where you must be quick on your feet to deal with them. All eyes are on you as the leader. If there has been anyone in your path undermining your authority, let them know it has to stop. You must believe in your ability to handle all things now. You are the leader of your life. You know what's best for you and which direction to go in.

Perhaps you are thinking of taking a trip today. If so, make sure to check that your car is in proper condition and that the route is free of construction and detours. Make sure the engine doesn't get overheated, but also check into weather conditions so that you don't get stuck in a deluge of rain. Plan things accordingly.

The overall message is to be clear on what you want, stand in your power, and keep moving ahead. You are strong and can move forward now with confidence. 

Have a great Friday.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Message of the day for June 30, 2016

Amy Saia's photo.

Four of Wands: 

Today is a great day to let go of past hurts and open yourself up to joy. Consider it an exercise, a challenge to see past all negativity and be stress-free no matter what. The act of doing so will bring in even more joy and will free you from the heaviness of life in general--which has probably been leading to lack of sleep and health issues. Envision all your problems as a balloon, then imagine yourself letting go so the balloon floats away (destination undetermined). With it goes all which holds you down, like a heavy weight on your shoulders lifting off. You are free now to dance and make jokes, to enjoy all that you once enjoyed before life became so difficult. The slate is clean. The truth is, although people hurt us, and we do have responsibilities to tend to, we have the power and the freedom to feel joy AT ALL TIMES. Self-care is another responsibility we must tend to, and you're the only one who knows how or who cares enough to do it. Do you care about yourself enough to be stress-free for at least one day? We all need a break from reality from time to time. 

This card also typically signifies joy in a home environment--a happy move, a positive change. So perhaps you are preparing to switch locations, or redecorate where you are now. Any positive change brings more of the same, even if it's cleaning out a spare room, or adding flowers to a side table. It brings light and joy to any space. 

This can also signify being in a wedding, being invited to a wedding. Parties, celebrations, family.

Overall, this card is about positive movement forward and not letting the old drag you down anymore. 

Many blessings.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Messages for June 28, 2016

Ace of Pentacles

Amy Saia's photo.

The seed of opportunity is in your hands and it's up to you to nurture it into something big. There are readers who feel the Ace of Pentacles signals a coming gift of cash, a will, a windfall of money, but from my own personal experience it's more like a door opening into a better future. You have an idea, a small gift, that can be transformed into something that will pay off eventually. It's really up to you. Grab onto that brilliant idea, invest that handful of cash you found in an old purse, build on that invention, and GO. Looking at the card some more, I have the urge to mention that there are lizards around the pentacle. This tells me you should be like a 'chameleon' with your idea (or your cash) and not confide any clever ideas at this time. Don't let on that you have this advantage, because there are those who will steal and use it for themselves. Transform, conceal, change your colors around those who are sneaky. Live with a lizard? You're going to have to think like them and play a similar game. It's not always wise to boast around listening ears. Be wise and be ingenious.

Have a great Tuesday!

Friday, June 24, 2016

Message of the day—June 24, 2016

Five of Pentacles: Unfortunately we're continuing on a negative pattern concerning relationships, work, life in general. The meaning of this card is that the subject is depressed by their current condition. They are so depressed in fact that they are slumped over and ready to give up. What they can't see, or refuse to see, is that there is a miraculous energy right above them. Though it may seem dark there is hope and others who are willing to help out. Reach out to your local safehome, salvation army, talk to your doctor and ask for free counseling. Read. Have a spa day. Exercise, eat more fruits--love yourself! Do anything you can to make life better. Sometimes it seems as if no one cares, but there are many out there who do. Remain positive, you just never know when things will get better. Have hope. Simple hope. One good thought, good action, good word leads to the next. Negative thinking only breeds more of the same. If the Universe wanted you to give up, it would have made it happen already. Quite the opposite, you are meant to rise up and succeed. You are meant for great things. Sometimes on the sunniest day a band of clouds will form and block out the sun, but eventually those clouds go away. Have faith that even when it's dark, the sun is out there somewhere. The light is in you, the light is everywhere. You are light, you are hope. Good days are coming. 


Thursday, June 23, 2016

Messages for June 24, 2016

The Devil: You (or someone around you) have beenn trapped in a toxic addiction to drugs, alcohol, sex, overeating, overspending, or negative thought patterns, etc. and it's time to free yourself. Do not let yours or another person's addictions hold you in a cage. If it is another person, they need to work on themselves, and you need to love yourself and be happy. It is not your fault or job to fix them. You CANNOT fix an addict. It isn't possible. You must care for yourself. Step away. Free yourself from codependency. See that there is a light ahead, a better future, people who do and truly will love you in a healthy way. DO not let someone else's problems become your problems, whether it be family, marriage, work, friendships. NO ONE should expect you to sacrifice your happiness so they can sit around and get high, spend all the money, lie, cheat, drink, abuse you . . . Stop! Love yourself first and if you have to break away from entire groups of people--do it! You count; you matter. You've give enough of yourself now and deserve love. If this is your addiction, the same holds true. Step away and seek help. Do not let fear keep you from making positive steps. Look online. Start meditating. Ask God and the angels for help. You count and can be a healthy human being in this world without an addiction. It is possible.
I wish you much love and many blessings.

Amy Saia's photo.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Message of the day—June 21, 2016

Eight of Cups: The intensity of the full moon has brought out a desire in you to move on from an emotional situation. The gravitational pull has kicked up the waves, so to speak, and it's as if you're on a tiny dingy being tossed around, but you will reach that far distant shore. In your hands is one cup—seven more are to be left behind. They are the cups of your past; of deep emotion, happiness, love, fear, distrust, sadness, grief. They all served their purpose at one time, but you can only hold that one cup and must now fill it with new experiences and new emotions—healthier, more substantial emotions. The moon pulls and draws out your insecurities, but it also pulls you on. You want to pick up all those cups again because you can't stand to leave them behind. But you have to. No one walks around carrying eight cups. In life, it's always wise to learn simplicity. Let them go and keep that one beautiful cup, a cup of hope and renewal. It will be filled with new love, new opportunities, new joy, new health, new money. You are free to go.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Why good people do bad things

photo credit: <a href="">一个人的午后</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>

I was asking the Universe a lot of questions last week about why some people get hurt and others do the hurting, and this is the response that came to me. Mind you, I don't hear Spirit or get big visions, I receive guided intuition and feel in my heart if it's right nor not. That's how I channel. It's still a learning process, but over this last year I have learned to listen and trust what comes through. What I was told was that the reason why some people hurt others, especially those they seemingly love and care about, is because they are not listening to their inner guidance, Spirit, etc. and are currently at a place where they are ego driven—which means they live off of fears, anger, base needs, wants, selfishness. It doesn't mean they're bad, it means they are in an infant stage of spiritual development and can't, and don't want to, change just yet. They could read the Bible all day, every day, but because they cling to the ego they're not going to feel how truly devastating some of their behavior is. When they hurt another person, it's a sickness. They are stuck in a dark place and can't feel because they are literally unwell in so many ways, but can't see it because they think it's normal.

Let's say you have a mother who won't allow her daughter to grow up. She won't buy her nice clothes, won't let her get her hair done, ears pierced, won't let her wear makeup or go out on any dates, and the daughter is old enough to do all of these things. The mother is being selfish, and to be honest, mean. She's stopping the girl's growth and free will because of what SHE wants, not what the daughter wants. If she steps back and directs things with a more heart-centered viewpoint, really listens to her daughter, she'll trust that all will be well by letting the girl make her own choices---something we all must do as we grow up and become adults. She's stuck in a place of fear because maybe when she was young she acted wild and got in trouble, or maybe she was never allowed to do anything and resents the fact. But still we ask, why. Why can't the mother know that she's being unreasonable? Why can't some people feel this inside of themselves? The answer is, they're not ready. Consider yourself lucky to be one of those with compassion and sensitivity. Send out light and love to those who aren't. Eventually they will develop these skills (we all do) through loss or change. But for now, they are incompetent and have no skills to understand.

Using another example, let's say you have a husband who won't let his wife go, even if she's told him that it's over and that she wants a divorce. He spies, manipulates, uses control tactics to keep her around--to the point where she could never love him again because he's violated her personal space so much and cut off her off from the world that she's now a victim. Even when she tells him how she feels, he's angry and says it's all her fault because she can't love him the way he wants. Why would he do that, knowing deep inside that it's driving her away, as opposed to making her want to come closer? The reason is he's afraid--so afraid that it's blinded him from feeling her inner turmoil and loss. He's afraid if he does try to understand her viewpoint, he'll lose a battle that he's set himself up to win--come hell or high water. And he must not lose. He'll lie, steal, spy, do anything to win. The truth is he won't win because you can't make someone love you. He has to find self-love, because when you learn how to love yourself, you can love and extend compassion to anyone and anything. Maybe when he was a child his mother left him for work. Maybe she HAD to work to pay the bills, but he took it as a personal attack. He's never gotten over that feeling of being abandoned, and now his wife has become his mother--he's angry and won't ever let it happen again. Once more, he has to learn to love himself. He has to understand that marriage and divorce can sometimes be part of the life cycle. It doesn't have to be personal, it just is. He can be whole and find happiness, but first he must let go of the toxic cycle, and move on so a healthier one can come to be. His wife will be healed, and he will be healed. They both win.

In any situation, the problem is we are all at different stages of spiritual/personal development. Some of us are beginners, some of us are experts. Send love out to all, and develop love inside of yourself, as a gift to yourself. That's where it starts. We are all conveyors of Divine Love. It starts with us, leaves us, heals us, heals each other, and comes back again. This doesn't mean you allow others to hurt you--that's actually the point: if you love yourself you won't allow others to hurt you, and you won't do the hurting.

I hope this helps. I'll try to write more as I'm inspired to do so. Thanks for reading and many blessings to you!


Messages of the day—June 20, 2016

Nine of Wands: You have fought long and hard for something in your life and are not about to give up. It's been like riding a bucking horse, or a mechanical horse, but this time you are not to let go and fall off. Something in your gut says: no more. Not this time. The reason you are being so defiant and bullheaded is because you've seen the pattern and why you always come out on the short end of the stick with things, and whereas before you used to shrug it off and say it's okay, this time it's as if you are filled with a new fiery viewpoint, like a runner about to cross the finish line first. This is your time, and no backing down. That doesn't mean you have to be tricky or hurt others to get what you want, quite the opposite, it means you won't let them to that to YOU anymore. Something's about to be accomplished and you should be proud. Revel in the moment and hold inside yourself a quiet confidence that all will be well. Trust.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Message of the day, June 16, 2016

Seven of Wands. There is something you feel you must protect, your home environment, family, ideas, work, and you are willing to fight off anyone who threatens to upset the balance of things. You know instinctively that you do not deserve to be attacked either emotionally or in a physical sense. The other person enjoys playing childish games and sometimes likes to see how far they can go with you, but they are starting to get the message that you aren't budging from your stance. What you have, you've worked hard for, and no one is going to take it away, or if it's in an emotional sense, no one can steal your happiness, your good character, or your ideas. It just isn't happening. However, know that by giving simple clues that you're no one's fool, and by not allowing bad behavior to take over your life, the other person will eventually back off and give up. In this way, you don't have to exhaust yourself telling them over and over, or convincing others that you're right. However, if you're wrong, and you're the one pushing another person's buttons, learn to pick your battles. Know that egging others on will only come back to you in droves. Why do you want to fight? What good comes of it? There's fighting to protect what's right, and there's being a trickster. If it isn't yours to fight for, back off. Sometimes this is about an internal battle, for instance, asking ourselves if we should do something that we want to do. If it will bring happiness for you and others and is overall a positive thing, and you keep coming back to the feeling that it will benefit you in some way--but you're afraid others will judge you--then only you can decide if it's right or wrong. Probably, it is right and you're feeding off of fear. However, if it's something that has the potential to hurt others, and yourself, and you're only doing it out of greed or you just feel impatient about wanting it, then most likely it's wrong. Lastly, I got the impression that for many people this is about internet battles concerning political or social issues going on. Know that most people behind a computer, including yourself, say things out of character. Forgive them and yourself, and remember to keep a healthy perspective. They're only words, and most people have good intentions yet bad delivery. Learn to let it go, especially if it tends to ruin your day. Read a book, go outside. Pick your battles and more than anything else, remember it's all transitory and not really that big of a deal. Choose to be happy today if only for yourself.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Message of the day: June 15, 2016

Tarot message of the day: Six of Swords. You need to feel comforted about something today. Life is heavy and you need a shoulder to cry on, or someone who will just listen and not try to fix or judge you for how you feel. There are many burdens and not enough to time to catch your breath. Healing comes to you at night in dreams. In reality, you want to take a vacation and eventually will, but first take one tiny step at a time to alleviate stress. Do things little by little. You build structures one nail at a time, one board at a time. You would never look at a house and say, look at all those nails, but they are what keep the walls together. For you, finding happiness and peace comes one tiny step at a time. See a positive future and hold it in your heart as existing now. Do not dwell on your burdens--see them as passing away and gone. The other things I saw was George Washington: the quarter, the dollar. One quarter may seem like nothing, but it adds up over time. Also, Washington was known for his honesty--be honest with yourself and others. Speak your truth, write it in a journal, live your truth. Stop hiding behind fear and gossip and looking a certain way that society has taught you. Today is the day you start to be truly who you are, without a care of how other people will judge you. Emotional honesty is healing. It heals you and it frees others so that they too can be free. ‪#‎tarotoftheday‬ ‪#‎sixofswords‬ ‪#‎spiritmessages‬

Friday, June 10, 2016

Messages of the day: June 10, 2016

Tarot messages for June 10, 2016: Seven of Cups: You are in a stage of planning and dreaming. Something is just beyond your reach, but you haven't decided yet what it is that you want, and what plans you have to make to get there. Slow down and write out what would be best at this time, what energy you have to expend, if it costs money, what you need to save, etc. Write out a to-do list and stick to it. Decide if what you want is too big or too much and will only bring stress. If it feels right, it is right. If it feels bad, it is bad. But at least be willing to try to put the effort in if it's something you truly want. Also, watch out for anyone who might try to pull the wool over your eyes. Be smart and know your boundaries and tap into your 'gut' instincts when this person approaches in this manner. You can listen, but be sure to weigh the pros and cons of what they're trying to sell you, be it in love or business. 

Happy Friday!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Tarot of the day: June 9, 2016

photo credit: <a href=""></a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>
You have the light and abundance of spirit enough to get through any situation. It flows within and without you and doesn't stop, no matter how difficult your situation may seem at the time. If you step back and assess things, you will see it's not so bad, but also that there are creative ways to fix the problem, as well as help from other people. Your ideas are brilliant, so do not discount your talents or abilities in any field. Draw from what you know and have faith that things will work out. Old obstacles are falling to the ground now, you can move forward. Positive energy is available, so use it. Overall, just know that you are blessed and have a divine life force that watches over you which is leading you to a better situation. You are divine, and shine with a true beauty. #Tarot #TheStar #Blessings #Love