Friday, June 24, 2016

Message of the day—June 24, 2016

Five of Pentacles: Unfortunately we're continuing on a negative pattern concerning relationships, work, life in general. The meaning of this card is that the subject is depressed by their current condition. They are so depressed in fact that they are slumped over and ready to give up. What they can't see, or refuse to see, is that there is a miraculous energy right above them. Though it may seem dark there is hope and others who are willing to help out. Reach out to your local safehome, salvation army, talk to your doctor and ask for free counseling. Read. Have a spa day. Exercise, eat more fruits--love yourself! Do anything you can to make life better. Sometimes it seems as if no one cares, but there are many out there who do. Remain positive, you just never know when things will get better. Have hope. Simple hope. One good thought, good action, good word leads to the next. Negative thinking only breeds more of the same. If the Universe wanted you to give up, it would have made it happen already. Quite the opposite, you are meant to rise up and succeed. You are meant for great things. Sometimes on the sunniest day a band of clouds will form and block out the sun, but eventually those clouds go away. Have faith that even when it's dark, the sun is out there somewhere. The light is in you, the light is everywhere. You are light, you are hope. Good days are coming. 


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