Friday, October 23, 2015

Rough Edges

photo credit: <a href="">Pebbles 0115 0060bw</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>

Why do we go through painful experiences in life, and why are our prayers sometimes left unanswered? Every human has asked this at one point—I know I have. We're told that if we need help all we have to do is ask our angels and all will be provided for. Unfortunately, not everything we pray for comes to be. There's a certain disappointment in that, and also a reason to doubt. So, why pray? Why believe in anything at all if the process is so chaotic and unreliable?

The answer is not one that any of us wants to hear. But the truth is, sometimes we don't get what we want because we ourselves asked for it to be that way. Yes, before being born we made a soul contract, and the angels must work according to what we originally wanted. So, if we ask for help in a relationship and nothing happens, it's because we agreed at one point to suffer through certain parts in order to learn a life lesson, one that was extremely important to our soul's growth overall. Or maybe it's a job we want, or a house we're dying to live in. If we get these things, something more important, something even more fantastic, won't be allowed to happen. However, if we pray and beg hard enough, we will get what we 'think' we want, and suffer through the negative effects. That's one way to learn a life lesson. But overall, if you find yourself coming up against a brick wall and you don't know why, step back and ask if it is the angels guiding you to what you truly need, and what would be healthier for you in the long run. There's that old phrase, trust the process. Instead of asking the angels to give, give, give, ask them to help you know what would be best. And then trust the process.

On another note, it's often asked why some people are made to suffer in this world and others aren't. For instance, why would a bus full of people die in an accident on the highway, all except one person who then shares a story of being miraculously saved? First of all, everyone deserved to live, but the others made a soul contract to go at that particular time, and the other had a contract which said they must live. Their life's purpose hadn't been fulfilled yet and it simply wasn't their time to go. I know this is painful to understand, and I don't blame anyone for rejecting the idea, but if we can see the strength of those who passed away, what beautiful souls they have, and how much they sacrificed to teach us about, say, driving laws, or texting at the wheel, or seat belt safety, etc. then perhaps it can be slightly easier to understand. It's important to know that life isn't just a sequence of crazy variables that we have no control over, or that something is out to get us and we're all meant to suffer. I believe we're all meant to be happy, and life, and death, is all one big lesson about the beauty of living one moment at a time, just for that moment and in our divine truth. We do have control, we can pray or manifest or send out positive energy for the things we want, yet sometimes our higher self wants something better or knows that we need to learn what can't be learned through non-action, and it's simply a matter of stepping back and finding acceptance.

The next time you find yourself asking why, remember your higher self has a divine purpose. One which will lead you to a better outcome.

I was told by Spirit this morning that we start off as pitted, jagged rocks, but after a lifetime of being knocked about against other stones and you-name-it, we turn out to be smooth and perfect. If you can see all of life's troubles as 'other stones' then perhaps you will understand the process. Perfection comes from action, friction, failure, being knocked about. But we are all being knocked about together. That's the beauty of it.

I wish you a wonderful day. Peace.

Thursday, October 22, 2015


photo credit: <a href="">375-DSC06461</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>

When someone hurts us, or when we feel that life in general is out to get us, we tend to collect a lot of emotional baggage. We can't see it, but that baggage is a real object made up of memories of stress triggers, anger, sadness, fear. I myself was shown in a meditation that I had been carrying around a black mass of emotional baggage for years, but that I had the choice to put it down and release it, or continue on with it in my arms. No one was forcing me to carry the mass, it was my choice completely. The mass was toxic, sticky, disgusting and carrying it had the effect of sapping my very own life from me, thus continuously making me sick with colds and sore throat, headaches, stress, stomach issues, fatigue, etc. My guides showed me how easy it would be to leave it on the side of the road, or just to place it in a trash dumpster and walk away.

The thing was, it was my choice to let it go. It would always be my choice.

We all collect emotional baggage, whether we know it or not. It influences everything we do, sometimes in a good way, sometimes negatively. There's nothing wrong with knowing you don't want to date someone who's overly emotional, the problem comes when you refuse to date anyone at all afraid that ALL potential love interests are out to hurt you. It's like eating badly cooked broccoli and thinking all broccoli tastes the same. Emotional baggage is a bad memory influencing your future decisions. It's keeping you from finding out that you can experience something awesome the next time around.

It's up to us to recognize when we are holding onto old fears, or even feelings of having to please or fix people who aren't and never have been our job to fix or please. We have to let that go. That's why it's important to take time out every now to breathe and listen to what our heart is telling us. Do we feel burdened with guilt, sadness, or responsibility for no reason at all? Have we forgotten to do simple things for ourselves that bring joy?

Remember, we all deserve to be happy. Every day. Don't let old emotional baggage weigh you down one second longer. Release it. Let it go. Picture yourself tossing it into a huge garbage heap and take note of how alive and FREE you feel afterward.

I wish you a wonderful day today. Thanks for reading.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Free Will

photo credit: <a href="">Tidings - 7</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>

From a recent meditation: We are married to ourselves first and foremost. Others’ opinions are mere drops of water in a vast ocean. The ocean of life is huge and moves where it has to go. A strong force. We must all follow our heart’s desire and most of all we must honor our God-given right to FREE WILL. No one can take that away, unless we allow them to. Eventually, after all the fear-based personal, relationship and family struggles are over, we go back to our life’s purpose and employ our free will once again. So, you can choose it now or later. It takes guts and most of all we must believe in ourselves and our ability to reach the goals we were meant to reach.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Finding your own intuitive voice

photo credit: <a href="">Winschester en London 036</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>

I thought I would write something about how to get in touch with your intuition. Right now it seems there are a lot of people out there who are searching for answers. First of all, we each have intuition, we just don't realize it. Some people have it more than others, but we all hold intuitive gifts. The key is you need to trust your gut and listen to those little nudges which sometimes sound like 'throwaways' but are actual messages from Spirit.

A few weeks ago I was thinking about how to get in touch with a new spirit guide because I needed to deepen my connection but was feeling blocked. I thought, maybe I don't really have intuition. I'm good with tarot, but other than that, eh. But then with many, many signs and occurrences from Spirit, it hit me. I am intuitive. I've been intuitive my entire life but other people had convinced me I wasn't. I had literally been tossing away messages and doing the opposite of what they'd told me—spiritual sabotage. So, about a week later I convinced myself to try again, and that's when I began to 'hear' from my guide for the first time.

Obviously if you hear things like, I'm hungry! or Sitting like this makes me feel so stupid, then, no . . . you're probably not hearing an actual spirit guide! You need to learn to tamper those kind of thoughts and one way to do that is to ground yourself. That means you literally put your feet on the ground (or floor) and through a set of deep breaths draw the energy of the earth up through your feet, as well as allow your energy to 'spread' or 'root' itself. The first time I heard of grounding I thought it sounded counterproductive to the whole idea of interacting with Spirit. Aren't we supposed to elevate ourselves? Apparently, not so. The only way Spirit can work through us is if we SIT STILL. If we're scattered all over the place, emotionally, mentally and/or physically, it won't work. Think about how a TV works—it sits on a desk, or a floor, or is attached to a wall and receives signals from an antenna. We're just like that. We need to be planted somewhere or else we're just an empty box.

My spirit guide comes through as different animals, people, etc. and usually gives me a gift that is symbolic to the message being delivered. Sometimes the message is simplistic, sometimes it is complicated. But it is always delivered with love.

The other day my spirit guide appeared as a dove and snuggled into my shoulder. It was a feeling of comfort and total peace. I was told to stop worrying about everything and to know that all would work out well. The session ended with the message, "We are light, together."

This morning I was given a coin and told that time is money, money is time. How you spend your time is the same way a person saves or wastes their money. Use it wisely. You already have all the wealth potential inside, and by honoring your highest self, treating your time with respect, you will see that money flows according to how you act.

Again, we all have intuition. You don't need to hear it or buy it or read a million books to understand it. All you have to do is believe in your ability, and be open to listening.

I wish you a beautiful day.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Daily meditations

With every meditation, I've received more messages which I felt might be of use to others. I said I'd share if I got anything, and I have so, here you go!

Was given feathers and told to neither hold too tight nor too loose. A proper balance must be kept to have things work out. Don’t rush, don’t force. Also, if you throw all caution to the wind (shown the  feathers), it will come back in your face. A deer was there to represent the spirit of peace, quietness, softness, the ability to blend in. It approached gently, but had ultimate wisdom. Next day, had vision of angel in white. Was told that when working with anything in life, it was best to think half or one whole step higher than normal. So, the way you think about yourself, raise your thoughts one step higher; work, everything we do, do it one step higher. Each time you reach that higher level, you then move up again. You're always moving up. So, instead of being down in a base level of thinking, you’re keeping your thoughts just a little bit higher every day. This is how you should work in life. It's like climbing a staircase.

Further meditation—Was given a red flower fully bloomed and told excellence takes time. Don’t give up on your efforts because they are unfolding and need time to develop. If you stop now you will interrupt the process and wish later on that you had waited. It’s never wise to rush anything that you are doing. Always see the outcome you want, but never rush the actual process. See it as done and then have faith and patience, and put the actual work in, which could include merely staying positive, or standing your ground, but mostly actual work. It depends on the issue. 

I hope this helps!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Hello again

I wanted you to know that, yes, weekly readings have been delayed. I had a strong feeling to stop giving out advice that I myself wasn't taking into account. We readers do have the same problems as everyone else, sad, but true. But the good thing about it is we understand and have deep, deep sympathy and want to use our experiences to guide others. I can honestly say that one reason I learned how to read cards so quickly is because I've lived every single one of them! My sincere apologies though for not having the weeklies out. Soon, hopefully, soon.

For the past month I've really been concentrating on getting more in touch with my intuitive side. I didn't want to simply rely on the cards, although I do get strong readings using them—it's one way Spirit is able to communicate through me, so I'm not knocking it. I love reading cards. In fact, every time I do a reading, I say, "I love doing this!" It's not just about the story or the feeling of being connected, it's about helping people when they need it the most. But I felt that I needed to be more connected or my guidance would be less than it could be.

On my journey I have found out there's an angel who follows me; she leaves feathers and coins and even butterflies; I've felt her touch my leg and arm, felt her warmth and love and guidance. Also, it's clear that my connection to Archangel Micheal is quite strong. The most beautiful thing about our angel friends is they never give up on us. We do, but they don't. They want what's best for us, and will gently guide us to the path that serves our highest good. Ask them to protect and guide you, and they will!

I've also been interested in connecting with a spirit guide on a deeper level, and already I've been getting messages through meditation. I thought I'd share one in particular because it was helpful to me, and would most likely be helpful to you.

If you are in a situation right now where you are facing major change and don't know what to do, here's what my guide told me:

You are like a butterfly in a chrysalis, ready to emerge. You must emerge when the time comes. Don't be afraid. Staying in the chrysalis is stagnation, and you are ready for a rebirth. You have an army behind you (he told me to look over my shoulder and what I saw was a crowd of angels and spirit guides surrounding me) who will go to battle for you. They are here to protect you when you need it, but you must make the first move. You are the general, and they are your soldiers. They go through every hurt and struggle that you go through. When you give up and feel defeated, it's like you are throwing yourself at the enemies feet, and they feel the same pain of having lost the battle. But you are MUCH stronger than the enemy. With one word, you can break free and move on, and you do have the power to bring the positive change that you seek. 

(After this meditation I did a reading and pulled the five of cups in reverse, which looks just like a butterfly in a chrysalis, then the hanged man in reverse, which, again, looks very similar to a chrysalis. It was very clear that I was in a state of rebirth, and btw, death is rebirth! Death of a situation, death of a relationship, death of a job, death of anything in life is a rebirth.)

During another meditation I was given a stone that glowed like a golden light and my guide told me that WE ARE LIGHT; we make the light, and we are the light. That means we all have the power to create the energy and positivity that we need in our lives to succeed, to have the love we want, the job, the friend, the whatever.

I know this all makes me sound quite loony, but who cares! I felt like I should share. If I get anything else, I'll let you know. It's hard because I have my kids, and life, and oh yeah, I'm editing a book! But . . . I'll try my best to put down something when and if I get it.

Light and love to you . . .