Friday, October 23, 2015

Rough Edges

photo credit: <a href="">Pebbles 0115 0060bw</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>

Why do we go through painful experiences in life, and why are our prayers sometimes left unanswered? Every human has asked this at one point—I know I have. We're told that if we need help all we have to do is ask our angels and all will be provided for. Unfortunately, not everything we pray for comes to be. There's a certain disappointment in that, and also a reason to doubt. So, why pray? Why believe in anything at all if the process is so chaotic and unreliable?

The answer is not one that any of us wants to hear. But the truth is, sometimes we don't get what we want because we ourselves asked for it to be that way. Yes, before being born we made a soul contract, and the angels must work according to what we originally wanted. So, if we ask for help in a relationship and nothing happens, it's because we agreed at one point to suffer through certain parts in order to learn a life lesson, one that was extremely important to our soul's growth overall. Or maybe it's a job we want, or a house we're dying to live in. If we get these things, something more important, something even more fantastic, won't be allowed to happen. However, if we pray and beg hard enough, we will get what we 'think' we want, and suffer through the negative effects. That's one way to learn a life lesson. But overall, if you find yourself coming up against a brick wall and you don't know why, step back and ask if it is the angels guiding you to what you truly need, and what would be healthier for you in the long run. There's that old phrase, trust the process. Instead of asking the angels to give, give, give, ask them to help you know what would be best. And then trust the process.

On another note, it's often asked why some people are made to suffer in this world and others aren't. For instance, why would a bus full of people die in an accident on the highway, all except one person who then shares a story of being miraculously saved? First of all, everyone deserved to live, but the others made a soul contract to go at that particular time, and the other had a contract which said they must live. Their life's purpose hadn't been fulfilled yet and it simply wasn't their time to go. I know this is painful to understand, and I don't blame anyone for rejecting the idea, but if we can see the strength of those who passed away, what beautiful souls they have, and how much they sacrificed to teach us about, say, driving laws, or texting at the wheel, or seat belt safety, etc. then perhaps it can be slightly easier to understand. It's important to know that life isn't just a sequence of crazy variables that we have no control over, or that something is out to get us and we're all meant to suffer. I believe we're all meant to be happy, and life, and death, is all one big lesson about the beauty of living one moment at a time, just for that moment and in our divine truth. We do have control, we can pray or manifest or send out positive energy for the things we want, yet sometimes our higher self wants something better or knows that we need to learn what can't be learned through non-action, and it's simply a matter of stepping back and finding acceptance.

The next time you find yourself asking why, remember your higher self has a divine purpose. One which will lead you to a better outcome.

I was told by Spirit this morning that we start off as pitted, jagged rocks, but after a lifetime of being knocked about against other stones and you-name-it, we turn out to be smooth and perfect. If you can see all of life's troubles as 'other stones' then perhaps you will understand the process. Perfection comes from action, friction, failure, being knocked about. But we are all being knocked about together. That's the beauty of it.

I wish you a wonderful day. Peace.

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