Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Messages for July 5, 2016

Amy Saia's photo.


This card flew out of the deck as I was shuffling. You have the strength to overcome any obstacle. You have the strength to face any decision. You have the strength to stand in your own personal truth. No one and nothing can stop you because you have learned the hard lessons and stayed true to yourself and FOUGHT for yourself. Do not go backwards into doubt, no matter what story someone else feeds you. You know what you know now, so don't let doubt kick in. You hold the beast in your hands--the beast of fear, abuse, the future, the unknown, self-criticism, self-hatred, others' opinions, judgements, and you WILL overcome. Much like the Devil card, the Strength card reminds us that we can be chained, or set free. We can control the beast, or let it control us. But there IS A BEAST in your life, and it's up to you to decide what to do with it. 

I think a lot of us are going through huge transformations right now. We are being faced with the challenge to stay or to go, and part of us is still clinging to old situations out of fear and doubt. But we must ask ourselves this: has that old situation been good for us? Did we give it a chance to change and it didn't? Do we think it will change, and are we really willing to compromise ourselves once again to change with it? If you could have your life be a certain way right now, what would you choose? The old way, or a newer, better way that serves your highest good? Why you we think a life of less (less love, less truth, less hope, less money, less success, less happiness . . .) is okay? We must grab hold of the beast of the 'less' and tell it who's boss. You have the power. You are strong. You were born to be strong. 

This is a time of great change and you can change with it--in a powerful beautiful way that serves you to the very core. Do not give yourself to others just so they can use and hurt you over and over again. It's like . . . living with your head in the jaws of the lion and saying you're fine. You're not fine. You're scared, you're tired. Be the lion tamer. Grab those jaws. Surge forward with strength and tenacity. Roar, claw at the chains, rip apart your fears. Love you with all the fierceness of the universe. 


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