Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Tarotscope for Sagittarius, 2015

Sagittarius 2015

The Fool—No one puts Baby in a corner, right Sagittarius? That includes the way you think, the way you act, and where (and how) you want to work. This January, break free from tradition and do something that truly makes you feel happy, and a little bit unconventional.

The Empress—If someone were to describe perfection, it would be spending an entire day in nature with the person you love. The forest, an old dirt road, tending the garden. You love Mother Earth, and she loves you! In February, it may be cold outside, but there’s a lush and beautiful meadow in your heart.

Queen of Pentacles—In March, you are either dealing with an earth-sign woman, or a money matter. Or both. Something has been taken away, and—I’m sorry to say, Sagittarius—you may never get back whatever was taken (your heart, your cash) in full. The best you can do is speak your mind and let it go. Leave the rest for karma.

The Hanged Man—If an old issue is weighing you down, Sagittarius, the best thing to do is count your blessings and wait for better days. Who says you have to be miserable? Who says you can’t have a small get-together—even if it’s just you and one or two close friends? In April, take the time to celebrate the best of what (and who) you have. Probably more than you know!

Nine of Pentacles—Most people think of harvest as being in the fall, but for you, dear Sagittarius, it comes in the spring. Every blossom and blade of grass feeds your soul, stocks your senses, and fills the pantry of your existence. In May, not only will you be re-introduced to your old friend Mother Earth, but you will have the kind of success in business that allows you the time, and peaceful frame of mind, to enjoy it!

Wheel of Fortune—If life were a Ferris wheel, you would be that one unlucky person to get stuck two cars from the bottom every single time. In the month of June, you will finally get the chance to spin upwards to the top. If it’s love or relationships, things will be grand. The view is splendid, and not a cloud is in sight.

Nine of Rods—Okay, so the wheel went up, and the wheel came down. Life is like that sometimes. But you are strong and can hold off any opposing forces. If it’s gossip, family drama, or someone close to your heart, remember that it’s not always about you. It’s about other people learning the art of personal space and respect. Tell them that you need it, lots of it, and if they can’t give it to you, you might just walk out the door.

Seven of Rods—The battle rages on and on. In August, it might be time to ask yourself just how long you’re willing to fight, and how much you’re willing to lose. Sometimes we fight for things and issues that are worth much less than the effort. Is it truly worth it?

Death—One thing about death is, it’s never death. It’s always rebirth. So, if there is a situation this September that feels like it has come to an end, perhaps it’s time to step back and let it happen. Whatever passes may yet return to you fresh and new, and gloriously better. Don’t stand in the way of change. Embrace it.

Eight of Pentacles—By allowing the old to transform into the new, Sagittarius, you have opened the doors for hope and opportunity. You were hobbling around in old boots, afraid to get your socks wet, and now you own a fresh clean pair and can walk anywhere you want. In October, the world’s your oyster!

The High Priestess—Something tells life me is about to get too good to believe. Suddenly all the right things are going your way. Any blocks and dead ends are now gone. Why? Because you’re a good person, Sagittarius. You are kind to people, and you do things with your heart, not with your wallet. In November, the Universe would like reward you. So, don’t rub your eyes and question why, open your arms and answer, yes.

Two of Rods—In December, you’re going to get a present that can’t be wrapped. There isn’t a bow big enough to top it off. It’s just so huge and wonderful that you might walk right past it without even knowing it’s yours. For you. It may be love, or work, or both. Believe, Sagittarius. Believe, and be grateful.

In 2015, Sagittarius, there will be some days where you feel vulnerable and ready to flee whatever has you bound. It’s okay to break free, as long as you know what it is you’re were meant to learn from the situation before leaving. If you refuse to learn, you’ll have to do it over again and again . . . And as for vulnerability, embrace it. Don’t scorn it. Your softer side is your greatest asset, and eventually, will bring you many blessings.

Happy 2015! Peace.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Geo, that is lovely to hear. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful family event! It's funny, when I started writing that section and the whole line, 'No one puts baby in a corner,' popped in my head but I thought it was too flung. I decided to use it anyway. Just confirmation that spirit really is working through us because you needed that message, and someone else might find a whole other meaning when they read it too. I'm really thrilled that it was a comfort to you. And, again, thank you for sharing your story. And congratulations, btw. That little girl has a great family that loves her a lot, I can tell!

    2. Ah, found it. Hope you take no offense if I delete my January comment but events since March --a possible stalker-- make it prudent to remove mention of the case and city in which it was decided, both in my own blog post and comment here. My compliment upon your gifted and insightful reading of course still applies. My apologies and appreciation.

    3. Very sorry to hear that, Geo. I wish you the best with this issue and hope you and your family come out on top.
