Thursday, January 15, 2015

Tarotscope for Gemini, 2015

Gemini 2015

Page of Wands—It’s a new year, a new month, and in January Gemini is looking at the world with a fresh set of irises. New ideas, new hopes, new business ventures. Full of innocence and vitality, Gemini is ready to dive into whatever comes their way.

Ace of Cups—In February, the newness continues on a grand scale. Ace’s are all about fresh starts, and cups are about love and emotions, so Gemini might be looking at an influx of creativity and perhaps the birth of a new relationship.

Judgement—There comes a time when we all must be judged, sometimes it’s by the people around us, and sometimes it’s on a grand, karmic, scale. How have you treated others in the past? Have you been kind or selfish? Your past actions will come back to haunt or reward you. Gemini, in the month of March, I’d say you’re about to reap the benefits of all the good you’ve done, not the bad. And anyone who’s done you wrong, look out!

Six of Rods—It’s April, and they’re holding a parade in your honor. That’s how much they love you. Who? The Divine. They want to shower you with all that’s good, so let them, Gemini. In matters of career, you are the victor. You deserve this. In matters of love too . . .

Two of Cups—In May, Gemini, it’s all about love, love, love. What was that Beatles song again? All you need is . . . ? You get the point. Or perhaps it’s friendship—another kind of love, and just as important. The emphasis is two. Me and you. Or you and him. Or her. Again, it’s all you need.

The Hermit—Sometimes we need to be alone after all the celebration. In June, sit outside and consider the roses, the daylilies, the swaying grass, the whistling wind. Maybe you’ll hear the voice of an angel, or other invisible guardians from the other side. The do like to speak to you every once in a while. So, take some time to sit still, and listen.

Ten of Swords—What’s this? An end, or a beginning . . . It’s up to you, Gemini. In July, you might find yourself dealing with some old, painful truths. Is there trouble with family, money, work? Have you given too much of yourself, and now it’s time for a vacation? Or maybe you took the vacation, and all the money is dwindling to nothing. Remember what vacations are for—escape. Think about the money later. Have fun now.

Three of Wands—Back at work (office or home) and things are going well. It’s August, and someone’s just left a five-star review for your book on Amazon, or maybe they bought ten boxes of your best-selling homemade candle. Take it in stride, Gemini. You deserve the kudos.

Death—Not literal death. Death of a situation. Death of something that once had you cowering under the sheets with stress, fear, regret. It’s gone on too long, and it’s now time to face it—you were not meant to go on and on with old guilt for karmic relationships. In September, just as the seasons fade from one to the other, you must too face a change: home, love, friendship. But it does look as if the Universe is on your side and will shower you with abundance, to help guide you to the next level. So, no fear. You are the proverbial leaf, Gemini. It’s time to let go.

Justice—In October, Gemini might be up against a legal issue, or perhaps it’s more on the karmic side of things. Remember you are innocence. Rebirth. You have the depth of two minds, two hearts, two souls. In other words, you got this. And whoever made you suffer, they’ll get theirs.

The Devil—What a cutie. I just want to hug this guy and bring him cupcakes. In November, someone or something has you feeling chained. Or maybe it’s an old addiction (people can be addicted to many things, not just drugs—sex, fear, food). You have to let it go, Gemini. Those chains are slack enough to escape. Break free! Additional cards suggest you might be dealing with a water-sign male (sometimes acts like a boy) who promised you the world, but only gave you sleepless nights and pennies in the bank. You will get your clarity about this and things will change. Change, chains . . .

Six of Cups—Do you remember the days when you were young and you sat around doing practically nothing, yet you were never bored? Do you remember what you wanted to be when you grew up, what you wanted to do? Astronaut, doctor, actress? Inspire yourself, Gemini. This December, give yourself the gift of innocence and joy, and endless possibilities. It’s all possible, as long as you believe.

Things were up and down and dizzy as a turntable, but you made it, Gemini. I hope 2015 brings you all you wish for, and more. Remember to keep a childish hope, even when things look less than possible. You are brilliant and the true thinkers of the world. Think yourself something great.

Thanks for reading. Peace.

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