Friday, March 9, 2018

Spirit Animals and Humans. Can't we all just get along?

photo credit: PMillera4 <a href="">Snowy Owl</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>

So let's say you never delve into the world of psychics, palm reading and crystal balls, and have moved through life thus far without any need to know what might be, what will be, and what's on the other side. I too have been there, and I am telling you that no matter how much you block your intuition from the spirit world, it does indeed exist. It's up to you to accept and acknowledge that existence.

Animas are the most immediate ways Spirit communicates with us. Obviously if you live in an apartment building or work in an office and spend most of your time isolated from nature, you're not going to get those messages easily. But I'll bet you still access social media. You see your aunt's cute cat photos on Facebook, or your boss's latest post about office productivity on his blog, or maybe your high school friend is into bird watching on Instagram. Have you ever noticed a synchronicity in these posts? Your boss might have an owl in his post that day, and then your aunt posts something about an owl conservatory in town, then your high school friend links you to an event at the local nature center, and what's the event? Owl watching. Later on someone in front of you at lunch is wearing owl earrings, and after work the person in the car next to you has a bumper sticker that says 'Owl be watching you, a**hole.' Congratulations! You have just been given a message from Spirit. What is it, and why should you care? That owl you keep seeing is a warning to watch out for something important that's about to happen in your life. Maybe you find out the next day that a coworker stole your idea for a promotion, or you get a call that your girlfriend is cheating, or maybe you get a security notice that your credit card has been stolen. That owl was a message: keep your eyes open, be aware, something might be about to happen.

The problem is, most people don't know their left hand from their right when it comes to these messages. The Native Americans revered animals as great totems of Spirit and worked alongside them on a daily basis. Sadly, what was once a great balance of human/earth/animal/spirit through time became one dominant entity: Human. No guidance. No connection. Yet the messages are still there. As long as we live on earth, Spirit will communicate with us through nature. Personally, I see this as a gift, and where is why.

This fall I was going through a stress related sickness and was growing despondent. I felt depressed, alone, and it was a struggle to get up in the morning, to eat and to stay positive. Each day I fought to get by with a quiet determination to be strong for my children, but really I was stuck in a fog of migraines and pain all over. In the midst of this, I began to receive visitations from Spirit. One day while sitting in my back yard, a hawk appeared out off nowhere and flew by my face, so close I could feel the air coming off its wings as it passed. Mouth agape, I knew it must be a sign. A few days later I took walk with my dog, and another hawk--this time much bigger--swept down in front of me and landed a mere few feet away. Once again, I was in awe and full of questions. This particular hawk held the presence of a shaman. It wasn't long before my legs stopped feeling like jelly, the pain stopped in my head, and my energy and mood slowly came back.

We are guided, all of us. It is not a curse, but a blessing to walk alongside nature. We are all spirits, and the earth is our teacher. We're here to help each other along, to bring each other comfort and healing. How could that ever be a bad thing?

Near the end of my health journey I was standing outside on a grey, dreary late-fall day. My energy wasn't the greatest as the same stress from before had remained, though I had found positive ways to deal with it. That day I looked up just in time to see a crane fly over my head. Cranes are water birds and hold a rare grace. Their wingspan is majestic and creates a soft drape as they fly. It was so quiet and serene, legs tucked straight out in a perfect formation. Like the shaman I had sensed in the hawk, I now felt the presence of a Japanese Angel, perhaps another type of healer as well. A great peace came over me that day. I was being blessed and healed. And more than that, I was being given a message of love.

We are never alone. We are not cut off or divided. In our minds, yes, but never in spirit. You will always receive guidance and protection, even if you don't know it is there to be received.

Animals, from domestic to wild, are much closer to the other side than we are. They fulfill their missions faster and thus have shorter, but no less important, lifespans than us. Our missions are more difficult and often involve mental and emotional decisions that stretch out into the world, and which require a greater complexity of loss and risk. Both missions have the same value: to lift the veil of complacency and to know love. Together we can provide each other the help we need. We can coexist peacefully and bring love to one another.

Thank you for reading.


  1. Amy, I don't know if I've ever read anything so moving, so instructive. There is a fundamental truth in your observations that has remained with me through a trying month and promises to remain. I won't go into detail, but want you to know I feel permanently improved by what I've read here. You are remarkable. Thank you. Thank you.

    1. Thank YOU, Geo. Hopefully the troubles will pass and with it comes better weather and good days ahead. Glad I could help! Peace.
