Monday, August 3, 2015

Weekly reading for all signs August 3-10th, 2015

This week is all about messages, secrets being revealed, and taking responsibility.

Aries—Even when you felt you were hanging on a last thread of hope, you still believed things would go your way. And they will, Aries. It’s been a real struggle, and there have been times when you weren’t sure if you would turn out the victor or the loser, but you will come out ahead. The Universe is lending a helping hand, so have faith. This week a message you've been waiting for is on the way about a secret injustice. In the meantime, have fun and take care of yourself. Snake—Snake in the grass, healing, transformation.

Taurus—Someone will try to stab you in the back this week, Taurus, so be on the lookout. But is this something you’re not aware of already? Emotionally you’ve already walked away from this situation, though the person involved, a water-sign (Caner, Scorpio, Pisces), would rather you stay chained; chained to their lies, their addictions, their negativity. But you know better than that. Keep moving ahead. There is a message coming, and a truth will be revealed. Remember that beyond the darkness comes light. So, if you feel you are in the darkest hour, beautiful things are right behind. See the silver lining! You will come out on top. Bat—Take notice of your dreams, things happening at night under your nose, needing to socialize more, needing independence, going within to find enlightenment.

Gemini—Someone has squandered too much money on a celebratory lifestyle. It could be you, or a water-sign in your life. It’s time to rein it in and find enjoyment in the simpler things. Instead of filling your cup to the brim with the finest of wines, drink water instead. Simplify. Cleanse. Someone will be on guard against these changes, but you know better. You know that freedom isn’t what you have, in your cup or otherwise, it’s how you feel. And being low on funds doesn’t feel very good! Find a way to balance. And if you must confront this other person, do it and be firm. Change is needed. Don’t let them get away with any underhanded behavior, especially if it undermines you and your family’s security. Pyramid—being strong, overcoming strife, building confidence.

Cancer—Someone may offer a message of love this week, but if I were you, I’d consider the source. Have past offers been trustworthy? Do they follow through on all their grand and illustrious promises? Or, dear Cancer, are you the one always left paying the emotional bill? I sense foolishness afoot. Just be on guard, and don’t take anyone’s word at base level. You have the gift of intuition, so use it. Uncover that which lies beneath the surface of truth, and hold the information close to your chest. If not, you may end up with a sword in your back. Diamond necklace—desire for security, a need to lighten up, wealth, uncertainty in love.

Leo—This is a good week for planning. See the past for what it is, a memory, and try to make solid changes which will benefit you in the future. Balance your money, your emotions, your time, and your affairs. Let go of old attachments, or habits, which were unhealthy. An angel is on your shoulder guiding you to brighter days and happier times. With every small yet positive step, you are on the way to independence and the life you were always meant to live. Dinosaur—letting go of past issues, dealing with the present, a large inner force.

Virgo—You see the forest for the trees now, and are ready to move ahead. No more being pushed aside, it’s time to feel centered and fulfilled. Stop telling yourself that you deserve only what you can get, because you deserve much more than that. See opulence in every thing that you do, and don’t let others’ opinions sour a positive attitude. If you want it to be, then it will. You are strong, and you have amazing talents. Go for it, Virgo. Crown—success, moving ahead, a pat on the back.

Libra—Do not let people get by with bad behavior, especially when it affects your job. Stay strong and hold onto your morals when it comes to gossip. If you hear it, don’t join in. The best thing for you this week is to stay true to your beliefs and know that eventually the tide will turn in your favor. One thing about not being a part of gossip: you hear all sides, and being the sign of justice, this could be a great benefit to you. Stay positive and grounded. A ring—Positivity, a prize, completion.

Scorpio—You are ready to move on from a relationship that has left you feeling out of sorts. An earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio) and a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are battling it out. There’s a lack of trust and a feeling of not getting what is deserved. Of course, it could go both ways. If you were honest, and did the right thing, the Universe will see to it that you get your just rewards. If you acted with dishonesty and manipulation, then expect to receive this in return. The best thing to do now is focus on your work. Let that be your ticket out of trouble. You are possible of great feats, Scorpio. Mountain—Ambition, overcoming obstacles, balance.

Sagittarius—Similar to Scorpio, you are ready to move on. There is a water-sign in your life (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) with possible addictions and manipulative behavior. You want a happy home life, but the lies keep you up at night. Set yourself free from this. Let the cycle go. And if this is just a darker side of you, ask for help from the Universe. Go within and seek healing. A new beginning is here, but you must release the old, unhealthy bonds in order for it to begin. Ship—Insight, spiritual journey.

Capricorn—Things are looking up for you this week. You’re either thinking about renovating, building, or possibly moving into a new home. People who once hurt you are now a thing of the past because you are determined to stay positive and move forward with your life. You did things the right way and stood your ground. Take some time to get out and make new connections. Justice will come in on a recent betrayal by a fire-sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). Northern Lights— renewed energy, clarity, knowing what steps to take.

Aquarius—It is time to release the past and move on. Things that might once have seemed perfect, may really turn out to be flawed upon closer inspection. There is a new and better future waiting for you, Aquarius, if you’re ready to take it. New partnerships, new business ideas, and maybe even a new residence. But you have to speak the truth and stand by what you know is right. Life can change fast, but you must have faith. It’s time to evaluate and make a decision. The thing is, you’ve probably already done it a million times in your head, but not out loud. There’s only one factor separating you from success, and that is yourself. X—Feeling suffocated, needing time alone.

Pisces—You are on guard against change. But even if it appears to be negative, the fact is the only thing bad about change is no change at all. You have to allow life’s inertia to flow, or it will only turn into chaos, and haven’t you had enough already, Pisces? It does appear a broken heart is on the horizon, yours and another person’s, but at this point the split is inevitable. You or someone else cheated and made foolish decisions. This is the time to ask yourself what you did to contribute to the problem. Did you make the right choices? Did you act with truth and valor? We do harvest what we sow eventually. This is the time to harvest the past. Sometimes our greatest gift is the lessons we learn, and the willingness and wisdom we cultivate in what we can do differently moving forwards. Tower—cutting through illusions, overcoming challenges, seeking freedom.


  1. As a lifelong Sagittarius, I identify closely with your remarkable reading. I do not lie but have been known to withhold information and observations out of kindness or by request of others. I know these oblique and silent prevarications are socially acceptable but they still give me the jumps. When I get too jumpy, I go see somebody about it. Lately I've been learning a lot about Jung --sometimes it's necessary to heal ourselves under the guidance of good minds.

  2. Good Morning, Geo. It seems like Sagittarius is going through a lot right now, you guys are working thorough the karma! I actually have some Sag in my chart, so I feel the pain. It's almost like there's two kinds of us: the one who's dealing with the deception from someone else, and the one who is deceiving. You are such a sweet person and it sounds like a few small times of protecting information for a good reason is pretty harmful. Also, remember to look at your rising sign, and your moon sign. There are free charts online where you can enter your birth date and time. I'll put a link on my sidebar. For me, it's my 'north node' that seems to describe and predict. Wishing you a beautiful day!
