Saturday, January 17, 2015

Tarotscope for Virgo, 2015

Virgo 2015

Six of Pentacles—You open the year with a nice promotion at work and/or financial recognition for a job well done. You are in complete harmony with all that you do and it’s starting to show. An additional card was the Six of Rods. In fact, this entire reading is crowned by the number six. It means victory, movement, and being in the right place and the right time. Good for you, Virgo! What a way to start the year!

The World—Think big. How far would you go if the chance presented itself? A mile, a few miles, another city . . . another country? Or perhaps your work will reach a new demographic. An opportunity such as this will come about in the month of February. Lucky you!

Six of Swords—Sometimes the urge to get up and run tickles the soles of your feet. In March, you might just get the chance to fulfill the wanderlust that lives and breathes inside of you. It could be overseas; it could be in the same town but at a different residence. Pack your things, Virgo.

Five of Swords—Sometimes when life gets exciting, the doubt settles in. Am I good enough? Do I deserve this? In April, dear Virgo, you may find yourself asking too many questions, and second-guessing your every motive. Things start, and then just stop. You’re not sure if you can do this. Well, you can.

The High Priestess—When it comes to money, you’re not frivolous. When other people are trading their Friday afternoon paycheck for Friday night delights, you’re divvying yours into several online accounts. In May, an issue might come up concerning your finances. Watch out for any scams that might come your way. If it sounds too good to be true, Virgo, it most likely is. Use your intuition about the matter, and you’ll be just fine.

Strength—No one can say you aren’t savvy. You work hard and you take care of every detail in the most meticulous way. In June, all that you do will be solid and secure, just the way you like it.

Temperance—In July, your business acumen will be traded for matters of love. Sometimes a relationship can bring us pain, sometimes pleasure, but it’s worth the effort if both of you devote yourself to the cause. This can go two ways, Virgo. Someone might break your heart, or maybe you’re the one wielding the first sword. Either way, take it easy. See both sides if you can.

The Hanged Man—In August you feel like you need a vacation. You’ve just about worked yourself to death, and things seem to be moving so . . . slow. If there are projects you’re waiting on, or that can be put aside, why not take a vacation? This would be the month to do it.

Ten of Rods—It’s already been said that you’re a hard worker, Virgo. When other people are slacking off, you’ve already finished the day’s objectives. But sometimes that steely application can get the best of you. Look, the result you want is in sight, so it’s not a matter of if, it’s just a matter of when. Do you want to stress yourself out over this, or actually enjoy what you’re doing—at least, enough to parlay some of that backache and Excedrin inducing drive that you possess? In September, I suggest you chant these words during your morning shave: I am not Superman. I am not Superman.

The Hierophant—In October it’s important for you to remember what those little sign posts along the road are all about, you know, the ones that say: Speed Limit and Stop. Sometimes you drive too fast and you fool yourself that you’re not going to get caught. This is not the month to be reckless, Virgo, in love or on the road. Watch your actions!

Six of Cups—You always want to be someplace better than the place you are now, and in some ways, you want everything to be just the way things used to be. There’s a major dichotomy in what you want, Virgo, yet settling isn’t a word you particularly enjoy. In November, you can still have the past and the future and stick them smack dab into what you have now. It’s called, inner calm. It’s also called, acceptance.

The Tower—In December, something’s going to rattle you, Virgo. If you have any inkling of what it is, the effect will be easier to deal with. If you’ve been insisting that life is perfect, the shockwave will knock you off your feet. Be grateful for your life and the people you share it with. Don’t live in glass abodes. Always have an escape plan. But more than anything, know that the Universe only gives us what we need. Whether large scale, or model scale, this is doable and you will survive.

So, 2015 will have its good moments and its not-so-good moments, but through it all you will remain vigilant. If something seems off, your gut will send a warning signal. If anyone tries to pull the wool over your eyes, you’ll brush them aside. And when it comes to opportunity, you not only will receive them, but create them. It’s all in your hands, Virgo!

I wish you a Happy 2015. Peace!

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