Friday, January 16, 2015

Tarotscope for Leo, 2015

Leo 2015

The Emperor—The year may have started fresh and new like a clean handkerchief, but there’s old crud to deal with, dear Leo. You might find yourself once again dealing with a tyrant, a dictator. He thinks he knows best, and he wants to keep you under his gold-threaded wraps. But only you know what’s right and what you must no longer put up with. It’s only a matter of time before one of you sees the truth (and pays their karmic debt).

Ten of Swords—Leo, Leo, if there were more than ten swords to put in your back, a water-sign male wouldn’t feel one bit bad about doing it. You can’t win this battle. Take what you can, and find a way to escape. This is as bad as it can get. In February find peace and seek higher ground. You don’t deserve this.

Nine of Cups—The universe wants to send you a message, Leo. You can. You will. It’s all possible. This March, find the time to manifest your deepest, most heartfelt desire. What if it really came true? And worse, what if you didn’t even try . . .

Seven of Cups—Things are a little foggy, a little gray. It’s April and storms will come and go. Storms always bring flowers. Have you ever thought about going somewhere, Leo? If so, it could be great. The greatest. Don’t let anyone talk you out of it, or block your way. This is doable. You were meant for greener, and sunnier, pastures.

Three of Pentacles—In May, it’s possible that whatever you’ve crafted from pure, delicious inspiration, will be discovered and admired. What a nice change!

Two of Pentacles—It’s all about balance, Leo. In June, you might find yourself tackling more than one project at a time. Finances are tricky and you’re not sure if you can withstand the pressure. But they do call you the Lion after all. You’re tough, you’re tenacious. I say you’ll make it work.

Five of Rods—If you carry a heavy object but can see the destination, you’re probably going to make it. You will make it. You’ve made it this far, and no matter how long the path, how heavy the load, you’re going to reach your destination. Don’t quit. In the end, the payoff will be spectacular. This July, your birth month, is all about proving the impossible. And you will.

Eight of Pentacles—When you concentrate on something you love doing, the end result doesn’t even matter. In August, it’s as if you are on a cloud of your own, and the money you earn falls like rain. Plink, plink.

The Lovers—Sometimes love is the good kind, sometimes bad. If it takes too much work, and there’s nothing but heartache to show for it, it’s probably the latter. In September, you might find yourself dealing with a person whose romantic intentions leave more arrows than air kisses. Watch out!

Five of Pentacles—Out in the cold again? Wishing you had what he has, and she has, and they have? If you walk past a restaurant window and see filet mignon and lobster bisque, it might make you feel destitute. So walk past a McDonald’s once in a while. There, now you’re king.

The Magician—Remember when Ron Weasley had to use a broken wand and Hermione was forced to follow behind, fixing all his messed-up spells? If life feels a little wonky, remember that you do have the power to ‘Hermione’ yourself into some excellent magic, Leo. This November, it’s all possible.

Ace of Wands—You are a star, Leo. But then, you already knew that. In December, you have the Universe behind you in the most wonderful way. You could write the world’s next best song, a best-selling novel, or maybe you’ll beat Glenda out of the top spot at the next Avon marketing meeting. It’s fire, it’s now, and it’s perfect for someone like you. Think big.

So, Leo, 2015 was a huge year for you. All the Major Arcana cards tell me something important: your evolution from downtrodden to awesome is destined to be. It’s in the Universe’s hands, and they will make it happen. So . . . try not to fight too hard along the way.

Have a wonderful 2015! Peace.

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