Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tarotscope for Libra, 2015

Libra 2015

Five of Pentacles—In January, dear Libra, you may feel as if the world is on one side of a wall, and you’re on the other. On the one side is joy and happiness; music and an abundance of love. On your side, nothing but soda tabs and spent cigarettes. Perhaps you’re feeling as if there’s not enough love, and it could be that a union you once enjoyed has crumbled into ruins. You could wallow forever, or you could take stock of all the wonderful things, and people, that you do still have in your life.

Five of Rods—In February, you’re struggling to make something happen, but it’s evolving in its own time without any regards to your own. Perhaps it’s your destiny you wish to control, but things are moving slowly. Remember, Libra, good things come to those who wait.

Page of Cups—It’s March and the grass is getting greener, the days longer, but languishing in nature is the last thing you care to do. Matters of the heart have put a cloud over your head and all you can see is a dark, muddy existence. Someone is acting young and irresponsible, and you are considering leaving for good. There’s been too much heartache, stress, deception and loneliness. Libra, no one would blame you if you walked out that door.

Three of Rods—In April, there are new opportunities to explore. Creativity is available, and a fresh start too. It may not be easy at first, but if you make the effort, there’s a chance for wonderful new growth!

Seven of Pentacles—Do you ever feel that you’re not getting what you deserve, Libra? That other people who work much less than you get more recognition for their miserly efforts? Well, the month of May could bring the rewards you so seek (and have earned through considerable effort). The point is, you’re good at what you do, and the Universe has decided to let you know.

Eight of Pentacles—June could well turn out to be one of those months where you not only get to do what you love, but find prosperity as a result. Now isn’t that a nice way to exist?

Queen of Rods—In July, there’s a fire-sign woman who would like to assist you on the road to success. This is all about female power, journeys, and far off destinations. She sees much more in you than you could ever dream of. Maybe take some time to listen to her ‘bourgeois’ brainstorming. There just might be some fantastic truth in the ideas she entertains.

Ace of Pentacles—Libra, this August you are, quite literally, on top of the world! If a grand opportunity, especially one of the financial sort, presents itself, do yourself a favor and take it! The thing is, your angels and spirit guides have done a lot of work to make it happen and they will continue to assist you through any troubles along the way. Instead of questioning why me, for just this once, ask yourself . . . why not me?

Temperance—In September you might come upon a situation where you feel confined. Work, home, friendship . . . if there’s something that has you feeling stuck, take some time to ponder if there’s an escape route, and if so, ask yourself whether or not you should consider taking it.

King of Swords—October is your birth month, Libra, so it’s no surprise you’d make an appearance in your very own reading! You are smart, balanced, fair-minded, and creative. Use this month to recharge from any past difficulties, and just celebrate the wonderfulness of being you!

The Fool—November asks you to make a fresh start with any endeavors you wish to explore. Every morning is a new chance for greatness. Every night is a culling of what didn’t work, so that what did can cultivate and thrive. Be brave and fearless, Libra!

Queen of Pentacles—No one knows how to balance work, home and pleasure like you. December may well be one of those months where your greatest asset is put to the test. An earth-sign female (or male) might come into your life. Will you put their advances off in lieu of end-of-year work projects or maybe some last minute shopping? Is there time in your life for love, dear Libra? No matter what, or who, lands on your list of activities, you’ll manage quite well.

Libra, you have the power to adapt to any circumstance. Like a cloud, you can shift and change according to whichever way the wind blows. You also have many blessings, both seen and unseen. In 2015, have faith that life will move fluid and easy!

Happy 2015, Libra. Peace!

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