I wanted to talk today about justice, and karmic justice in particular. I was upset about something that's been going on in my life and kept tripping over it until the point where it was ridiculous. Why would this particular person do this to me? What was I going to do about it? How do I stop them from doing it again, and when would I receive retribution for all they've put me through? Well, I laid out a tarot spread and right there in front of me was the answer: I was to do nothing. Absolutely nothing. The person in mind came up in the cards, then some of their less-than-positive actions, and wrapped around it was Judgement and Justice. Divine Justice.
So often we seek revenge for things that have happened to us, forgetting that true payment is coming, and on a much bigger scale. Wash your hands of revenge. It's not up to you, or me.
I truly love that this is how the Universe works. I'm neither sad that I don't get to do my own act of revenge, nor do I feel useless. I'm so happy that it's being dealt with in the proper way. My job is to sit back, have faith, and live my life in the most honest, altruistic way possible. We are to forgive, but not necessarily forget. That's the only way to move on and heal. The problem is, sometimes we get hurt so frequently that it becomes hard to recover. But that's another issue . . .
I'd rather talk about Paris. Dear Paris. They have just recently endured an act of human-forced Justice, and look how much pain it has caused—how much doubt and darkness. We must not enforce our own violent acts of control over others. We must not. So often we are wrong. It takes away the innocence of the world when we do these things. Now Paris, the city of love, is the city of fear and shadows. So sad. I hope they can recover from this and move on and be the beautiful empire of love and light that we so admire. Remember, they gifted to America the Statue of Liberty—a true offering of peace and humanity. That gift has given so many an incredible sense of hope—hope for real justice. From her torch, to the tip of the Eiffel Tower, we send healing to you.
For today's cards, I decided to choose from the Earth Magic Oracle Deck and Doreen Virtue's Angel Tarot Cards. And what I pulled was Fog—Veiled, and Nine of Fire (wands).
It's funny, I often identify the 'Veiled' card with my cat Opera. She's dark and moody and likes to hide and watch things from a distance. How appropriate! I think what this card is telling us is that, no matter how murky and hidden things appear, there is still clarity available to us. We just have to wait and trust. Believe me, I know all too well how hard it is to wait! But when we rush things, and especially in times of uncertainly, we are only asking for less-than our value, or clunkers that require even more time, effort and money. It's all about trust. ETA: I just thought about how I opened this post and thought it was funny that this card appeared. Maybe the universe is telling me to stop being so glum when it's cloudy outside!
The Nine of Fire card tells us not to give up on our important endeavors, because wonderful things are just around the corner. Protect that which you've worked so hard to achieve. Don't give away your most sacred gifts to those who will only destroy them. Be steadfast and willing to stand your ground. If it matters to you, it matters. Period.
Take care, my friends. Peace, love and light.
Amy, I agree wholeheartedly with your view of revenge. It's just more violence and outrage to compound an original offense. Have never felt good about it or understood the satisfaction some seem to take from it. I delight in what you've done with this project so far and look forward to your Sagittarius reading.
ReplyDeleteThanks Geo! I'm writing up Libra now and will do Sagittarius next!