How are you balancing your relationships, your money, time, energy? Is there someone in your life who takes and never gives back? Sometimes we give just to keep the peace and then become unbalanced in our own lives because of it. You may be sacrificing too much for those who are unappreciative and the stress is most likely affecting your health. There are projects you'd like to work on but someone else always comes first. Sadly, there are those who do this on purpose because they don't want you to succeed. They purposefully create obstacles and disturbances just to keep you from working on that which would bring you happiness and success. Don't let them! It's okay to say no, and it's okay to put yourself first. Especially if it's affecting your health and/or finances. And happiness. The first thing is prioritize what you must get done every day, and if someone continually cuts in, say, NO, I have to get this done. I can help you before or after, but I HAVE to get this done. If they can't respect that, then you don't have to answer the phone. Create an invisible wall around you of protection and say, this person cannot cross until I've taken care of myself. Give, and take. Keep it balanced. Do not give more than you receive from repeat offenders. Keep your projects at a high priority. See them as errands to run for yourself. Pretend that you are a friend who needs help. Are you a high priority? Do you matter? Of course you do. All can be accomplished, and life can be in perfect balance when we use loving assertiveness. Being used all the time isn't healthy for us OR them. I hope this helps and have a wonderful day.
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