Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Reading for October 19, 2016

Ace of Pentacles and Ace of Wands. You are walking through a new gateway of prosperity. Things are finally moving ahead. New growth, new opportunities. Think high—the best of the best, the highest of the highest. Don't allow yourself to doubt any more. Instead of looking down, look up, think UP. The sky's the limit. All the best. If you think it, it will start to blossom. Green grass. For you it's Spring, even though it's fall in many places, you can have a renewal in your life, in all that you do: your work, in finding new friends or reconnecting with those you already know, creativity, family, love. It's all ready for a reboot. NO more being in the dark and suffering. You are a true leader--the path is clear. The storm is leaving. Be positive. Hold positive thoughts in your mind. Start each day with a positive thought. And go to bed the same way. Upward journey. You have the Midas touch. Those are the messages for today.

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