Monday, October 31, 2016

Reading for October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween!

King of Swords: Being on guard. Taking control of your thoughts--not letting anyone pull the wool over your eyes. Ready to fight for what you believe in- even if it means asking for legal help. If this is another person in your life, it's someone with a biting wit. Maybe they don't realize how much they can hurt you, but words truly do cut deep and cause scars. Worst of all? They always have to be right. "I told you so" is one the worst faults of these people and it's hard to tell them how you feel in fear of retribution. It's their way or no way. You'll just have to ease off and take the peaceful route, because this person is not backing off. If they try to provoke you, just say you're busy and have to attend to errands, and leave. It's not your job to stand around and be verbally abused by anyone. This card is also about law--lawyers, people in high authority, police officers, so watch your speed today. The lighter side of this is that the King of Swords can be quite funny and well read--so if you enjoy that, go ahead and engage but keep out of personal attacks. Maybe you'll end up talking about books and politics--just beware and keep it light. Peace.

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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Reading for October 27, 2016

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 How are you balancing your relationships, your money, time, energy? Is there someone in your life who takes and never gives back? Sometimes we give just to keep the peace and then become unbalanced in our own lives because of it. You may be sacrificing too much for those who are unappreciative and the stress is most likely affecting your health. There are projects you'd like to work on but someone else always comes first. Sadly, there are those who do this on purpose because they don't want you to succeed. They purposefully create obstacles and disturbances just to keep you from working on that which would bring you happiness and success. Don't let them! It's okay to say no, and it's okay to put yourself first. Especially if it's affecting your health and/or finances. And happiness. The first thing is prioritize what you must get done every day, and if someone continually cuts in, say, NO, I have to get this done. I can help you before or after, but I HAVE to get this done. If they can't respect that, then you don't have to answer the phone. Create an invisible wall around you of protection and say, this person cannot cross until I've taken care of myself. Give, and take. Keep it balanced. Do not give more than you receive from repeat offenders. Keep your projects at a high priority. See them as errands to run for yourself. Pretend that you are a friend who needs help. Are you a high priority? Do you matter? Of course you do. All can be accomplished, and life can be in perfect balance when we use loving assertiveness. Being used all the time isn't healthy for us OR them. I hope this helps and have a wonderful day.


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Messages for October 26, 2016:

Ceremony (Invocation) & Rain (Purification)

This is an intense time of spiritual energy surrounding you right now. You are precious to the Universe, and your spiritual team is both guarding and helping you to grow in all ways. If you feel more in tune with the earth, with feelings of love (or sadness) or sensing other people's emotions, of changes in appetite, not wanting to be around chemicals, loud noises, crowds, etc, then know you are developing more sensitivity to the Divine. You are so beautiful to the angels and your spirit guides—they want you to be happy and safe, and healthy. Take a walk in the rain, or take a warm Epsom salt bath. Drink plenty of water. Tune in to the higher energies (positive energies) and know that any coincidences you have been experiencing are all part of your spiritual development. Trust your gut, honor your feelings. Darker energies will try to pull you into doubt and negative thoughts, people, fears, but stay positive. Call upon Archangel Micheal and ask for his protection. Say to yourself: I AM SAFE. And so it shall be. Light surrounds you even in the darkest moments. Your psychic gifts are developing rapidly so of course lower energies will want to create obstacles and doubt. But you are strong. You are safe. All will be well. Create a space in your home where you can meditate and retreat. This is just one step to a higher level of becoming your highest, most beautiful self. Peace.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Reading for October 24, 2016:

2 of Swords, Page of Pentacles (in reverse), Six of Wands in reverse), Judgement, 2 of Wands:

Learning to trust your own judgement. Having limited information in an intense time of change and turning toward your internal resources to make decisions. Moving forward blindly. Feeling a great call to change something in your life and being alone in that decision-making. Looking into the future, waiting for something to happen. Gut feelings that spur you into action. Messages: You'll have to trust your own intuition at this time. Think upon the past and decide if what you went through is acceptable. Do you think you deserve more of the same? It's likely you already know what the answer is but fear is holding you back. Have more confidence about your abilities. Create positive change by taking small steps toward your goal. Don't hide from the truth.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Reading for October 19, 2016

Ace of Pentacles and Ace of Wands. You are walking through a new gateway of prosperity. Things are finally moving ahead. New growth, new opportunities. Think high—the best of the best, the highest of the highest. Don't allow yourself to doubt any more. Instead of looking down, look up, think UP. The sky's the limit. All the best. If you think it, it will start to blossom. Green grass. For you it's Spring, even though it's fall in many places, you can have a renewal in your life, in all that you do: your work, in finding new friends or reconnecting with those you already know, creativity, family, love. It's all ready for a reboot. NO more being in the dark and suffering. You are a true leader--the path is clear. The storm is leaving. Be positive. Hold positive thoughts in your mind. Start each day with a positive thought. And go to bed the same way. Upward journey. You have the Midas touch. Those are the messages for today.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Messages for October 18, 2016:

Messages for October 18, 2016: 

Judgement and Two of Wands. Time to decide what you want to do with your life. Time to make plans. No more distracting yourself, start making a list of what you can get done each day and stick to it. Accept help if it's offered. Know that you can't do everything alone, such as housework, errands, and it's other people's jobs as well: children, spouse, roommates, etc. Start asking yourself if you've done the work (on your personal goals) to deserve success that might come in, and if so, why don't you believe you're worthy of receiving it? Storms may be brewing around you, drama on Facebook, social media, between family and so forth, but know that you don't have to engage, but also that it's okay to state your case and not feel indebted to defend it for long lengths of time. Others may judge your opinion, but let them and leave the argument, if one should happen. Use your time for activities that will serve you. When it comes to what you can give to others, know that any good karma you create will come back tenfold. If a child needs your help, give it. Your time will be compensated later on. You are in charge. That's the overall message. No one has access to your personal power, your time, etc. It's yours and you can waste it or use it for great things, in the end time will reward you. Also, know the difference between a fool and foolish. A fool is a dreamer, and listens to divine guidance without fear and ego-based thoughts. Foolish is when you squander your resources, time, money, on things that won't serve you in the long run. Again, you are in charge and your future is up to you. Every day is in your hands and you have the ability to make great things happen.