Thursday, June 9, 2016

Tarot of the day: June 9, 2016

photo credit: <a href=""></a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>
You have the light and abundance of spirit enough to get through any situation. It flows within and without you and doesn't stop, no matter how difficult your situation may seem at the time. If you step back and assess things, you will see it's not so bad, but also that there are creative ways to fix the problem, as well as help from other people. Your ideas are brilliant, so do not discount your talents or abilities in any field. Draw from what you know and have faith that things will work out. Old obstacles are falling to the ground now, you can move forward. Positive energy is available, so use it. Overall, just know that you are blessed and have a divine life force that watches over you which is leading you to a better situation. You are divine, and shine with a true beauty. #Tarot #TheStar #Blessings #Love

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