The Devil: You (or someone around you) have beenn
trapped in a toxic addiction to drugs, alcohol, sex, overeating,
overspending, or negative thought patterns, etc. and it's time to free
yourself. Do not let yours or another person's addictions hold you in a
cage. If it is another person, they need to work on themselves, and you
need to love yourself and be happy. It is not your fault or job to fix
them. You CANNOT fix an addict. It isn't possible. You
must care for yourself. Step away. Free yourself from codependency. See
that there is a light ahead, a better future, people who do and truly
will love you in a healthy way. DO not let someone else's problems
become your problems, whether it be family, marriage, work,
friendships. NO ONE should expect you to sacrifice your happiness so
they can sit around and get high, spend all the money, lie, cheat,
drink, abuse you . . . Stop! Love yourself first and if you have to
break away from entire groups of people--do it! You count; you matter.
You've give enough of yourself now and deserve love. If this is your
addiction, the same holds true. Step away and seek help. Do not let fear
keep you from making positive steps. Look online. Start meditating. Ask
God and the angels for help. You count and can be a healthy human being
in this world without an addiction. It is possible.
I wish you much love and many blessings.

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