Nine of Fire—
About to give up? Afraid you don't have what it takes to complete your heart's desire? Well, think again. You have come too far and worked too hard to give up, in fact, maybe you're closer than you think to finding success. All the hard work you've done would only benefit someone else if you stopped at this point, and why allow that to happen when you clearly deserve to be rewarded for all that effort? Maybe you feel the world has placed too many demands on your shoulders, but it was only because you were strong enough. Take it as a course in courage. The only one who didn't believe, was you, and now it's time to take the final exam: go for the gold--literally. Picture a gold medal in your mind with your name on it. All you have to do is run one more race and it's yours forever. I feel that it's time to look into developing your solar plexus chakra--located right above your belly button. To do so take a few deep breaths and imagine a bright yellow sun radiating into your body. Let it heal all the self-doubt, negative talk, and all the harmful words from other people that have belittled you. We all have a divine purpose in life, don't let anyone talk you down or steer you off your path. In reality, though jealous, most people do actually want to see us succeed because it means they'll be able to as well. Be that bright shining light to everyone. Say, I can. I am. I have great ability. I was born to do this. I love doing this. I am ready for success. And so it shall be. Amen. Shine.
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