Thank you for waiting, and I wish you a wonderful week!
Aries—This week you would rather be at home than at work. In
fact, no one should mention teamwork right now, because having to be around
other people is the last thing you want to do! You’d rather telecommute,
sitting on your couch surrounded by your pets while watching shows on Netflix.
If you do have to put in hours at the office, try to stay out of the drama.
Remember to stay calm, Aries, and centered. If there is an air-sign around you
(Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) who likes to order others around, take the less traveled route, i.e., avoid them as much as possible! The friction isn’t worth
it, and might even zap your precious energy. Tulip, ring setting, facet—Foundations, security.
Taurus—If you are a little bit under the weather, Taurus,
consider putting off a few of the daily duties you have on your extensive ‘to
do’ list. We all need a break from time-to-time, and this week looks to be one
of those times. You are a nurturer, and let’s admit it, you take on way too
much without accepting anything in return. If you can, ask for help. Sometimes, you
have to stop gripping so tight to what’s right and what should be, and just allow
a little chaos to set in. I know, breathe. The thing is, your health is more
important than a ‘to do’ list, and you know it. Chillax, Taurus, chillax. Also,
use your intuition when it comes to a fire-sign male (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius).
You know in your gut when something’s off. Trust your inner knowledge and
physical clues. Vice—Stress, pressure, mockery.
Gemini—You are feeling overwhelmed and need some rest. Your
senses are on high alert, but don’t let yourself become too overburdened by
life. I am sensing a heavy workload, family issues, negative energies, and
you’re like a sponge, taking all that toxicity in. Do whatever you can to find
peace, even if it means enforcing small increments of solitude for yourself.
Any actions you feel must be dealt with in business, family, or love relationships
can and will be taken care of later on. Globe—Power, completion, objectivity.
Cancer—If you came upon the sprout of a tree coming out of
the dirt, would you put a rock on it to stop it from growing? You are in a new
phase, Cancer, and someone would like you to stay in the ground. They are the
rock, and you are the sprout. How does that make you feel? Of course, any plant has the ability and
stick-to-itiveness to grow up and around any barrier put in its place, but
eventually, the rock’s gotta go. What, and who, represents the rock in your
life? You need to contemplate what needs to happen next, and what exactly
you’re willing to sacrifice to make it happen. Stop being held down by fear.
Allowing stillness might bring a message from the Universe. Fern leaf—protection,
Leo—Don’t be tricked by offers of love. If it didn’t work
before, it most likely still won’t. I see heartbreak in your future, but with
every ending comes a new beginning. Are you on guard against moving forward?
Ask yourself if it’s better to remain in the painful situation you’re dealing
with now, or to move forward into something new, but better. Something amazing
is waiting for you, but you must believe in your inner strength to move on. You
can do it, Leo! Rock wall—Eliminating trouble, good verses evil.
Virgo—You may not be feeling it at work this week, and would
rather be alone. If it’s a health thing, do take the time to nurture yourself until
things go back to normal again. Nothing wrong with taking some time off, even
if it’s for personal reasons. Everyone needs a break, even you, Virgo! And
while this may not be a great week for moneymaking, it is excellent for
personal growth. Your intuition maybe be talking to you, sending out messages
to clarify a confusing situation currently present in your love life. So much
fighting. Wouldn’t it be nice to not have to carry that emotional load around anymore?
Let all that toxic negativity go and just feel how much lighter your body and
spirit become. Triangle—emotional state, quarrels, unfaithfulness, Holy Trinity,
Libra—You are at a point this week where you are looking
back and taking stock of all the good things in your life. Through hard work
and effort you have created something to be truly proud of. Yet there is
someone around you who like to squash that happy feeling with a not-so-positive
denial of your efforts. They won’t let you enjoy the harvest even though they
themselves have been undermining your efforts the entire time. You know it
isn’t fair, and are willing to put up a fight to defend what you know is right.
You have every reason to stay positive, and should be proud of the beautiful
life you’ve worked so hard to create. Celebrate how spectacular you are, Libra.
Arch—persistent effort, feminine energy, fresh start.
Scorpio—There’s something you are fiercely protective of. A
person, a secret. You’re willing to do anything to keep it your way and not
have things change at all. Or, maybe this is someone else is holding
information from you. Are people gossiping about you, Scorpio, and causing
trouble that you just don’t need? The suggestion is to ignore them, though it
may feel at times like doing so leaves you feeling blindfolded and led into murky
water. Have the confidence that you will make the right choice regardless of
others’ opinions, and know that no one
can stop you from living your life the way you feel is correct. Take pride in
who you are. Think about the generations before you who worked and built up the
family name. You’re part of that! It lives within you, and you carry on that
name with grace and beauty. And you never, ever have to lower yourself to the
false image other people carry of you. True friends build you up and remind you
of how wonderful you are. Those people are about to come into your life, have
faith! Gingerbread house—deception.
Sagittarius—Your finances are down, and so are you. When the
finer things in life dry up, you sometimes feel as if life ain’t worth living!
But that’s not true. Don’t fight the ebb and flow that comes with the human
experience. Financial gain and loss will always be part of the process. Though
this temporary lock on funds may have you wishing for a respite, don’t give up
all hope. Either you, or a fire-sign woman in your life (Aries, Leo,
Sagittarius) will come to you with cup overflowing. A past relationship may
still be on your peripheral, though, but that’s history so why are you still
fighting with him or her, Sag? Happiness is within your reach. Also, take the time to create new rituals
in your life which will bring about peace. Grindstone—energy, directed efforts.
Capricorn—It’s important to not take everyone at face value
this week. If you are feeling low and need to confide in a friend, it might be
important not to divulge too much of your personal information, especially on
social media or private sources such as emails, etc. Sadly, those secrets might
not be as safe as you think! You are your best confidant right now—consider
journaling or getting out your frustrations via long walks. You have more
wisdom than you think and can solve most of your problems with the knowledge
you’ve gained over these last few months. Your home life is a bit tense right
now, and some kind of message, enlightenment is about to be revealed. In the
meantime, stay positive and know all will turn out in your highest interest.
Aquarius—An opportunity for justice is coming, although a
dominant male in your life may try to block and twist evidence to his liking.
He believes his brand of truth is the only kind, but that’s not acceptable.
Truth, real truth, is the reality all parties have experienced, and truth
overrides arrogance and dominance. You have done things the right way, and will
see positive results. A message is coming soon, and when it does, you’ll be
dancing for joy. Water lily—rebirth, roots, nymphs,
Pisces—The time has come to relinquish control of situations
and people in your life. You can no longer cling to old doctrines of ownership.
We do not own people, Pisces. They are not possessions. Let them go. You have
been holding so tight, and trying to manipulate the situation to your
advantage, and it’s just not going to work anymore. Any victory you wish for will
not happen until you let go. The same goes for addictions. If you are chained to
unhealthy habits, eating, relationships, or the usual alcohol and drugs, please
know that things will not change until YOU change. If you are in a three-person
relationship, it’s time to own up to the truth. The fact is, the other person
knows, and they’re waiting for you to do the right thing and admit to it. You
are asked to take a look inside yourself and assess thing clearly. You can no
longer win by dishonest means. A fire-sign woman (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) has
ties to a broken home and deception.
An ending will come, but as they always say, with every ending there’s a
new beginning. It could be beautiful if you let it. Zipper—sexuality, closed or
opening up oneself emotionally.
Happily, there are no pressing financial worries for this Sagittarian but I have felt the recent need to "create new rituals which... will bring about peace", or at least to modify some habits of thought. A remarkably accurate reading, and a useful one!