Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Weekly reading for July 20-27th, 2015

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Weekly Tarotscope for July 20-27th, 2015

The general energies for his week are of change and justice. 

Aries—This is a week of accomplishment in work and of enjoying the finer things in life. A shift will occur with a fire-sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) who claims false victory. Justice will be yours, even if it means shutting that person out for good. Take charge. Opal: http://meanings.crystalsandjewelry.com/opal/

Taurus—Word of money may be on its way, and it comes from the hard effort you’ve put in on a project. This is money you earned, not charity. The problem with having more, though, is the need to balance and budget. But it is advised. There may be some jealousy from a water-sign in your life, but don’t wait too long looking backwards. Keep moving forward into happier times. For you I saw stormy weather—fluctuating tendencies in fortune.

Gemini—The universe has provided you with all the information you need regarding a partnership, and now you must make a decision. It probably won’t be a popular one, or one which meets the criteria of society, family, etc., but you know in your heart what is needed. Once you take this step, abundance and happiness can come in.  Rooftop: http://www.auntyflo.com/dream-dictionary/roof

Cancer—Even if there’s a brash person charging at you, forcing you to listen to what they have to say, stay balanced. Enjoy the outdoors, do some gardening. A hurricane can blow around you, but if you are secure in yourself, it can’t destroy true happiness. Abundance isn’t just about money; it’s about how you feel. Find the abundance within yourself, and in nature. You are honest and kind, but this week you do still have deception around. The sun will shine a light on the lies soon enough. A garden trellis with flowers: http://www.auntyflo.com/dream-dictionary/garden.

Leo—This could go two ways: either you or someone around you is on guard against gossip and backstabbing. There might even be spying involved, which is such bad karma. If this is you, Leo, ask yourself what it is that you are trying to protect? The cycle keeps repeating, when you could have already let it go and made a fresh start. You need balance. Are you suffocating the truth with lies and/or overindulgences? Either way, someone feels they have been stabbed in the back, an earth-sign perhaps (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), and if you don’t set things to balance, the Universe will find its own way. Volcano: http://www.auntyflo.com/dream-dictionary/volcano

Virgo—A water-sign in your life (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) is telling lies. You really need to watch your back. The best thing to do is to tell them you can’t be treated in such a way, and it’s time to back off. There can be a lot of enlightenment with a change of scenery; even a day trip would be well starred. White clouds (taking a trip): http://www.auntyflo.com/dream-dictionary/weather

Libra—You are guarded against someone’s past negative actions. Maybe someone (an air sign like yourself—Gemini, Libra, Aquarius—only male) won a battle using false means, and feel as if they are the victor. But of course you know victory by deceit is no win at all. Keep your chin up and know that you were right. At work it feels as if no one else is putting in the effort, you might even feel trapped. Find what you do like about your job and let that be your focus. There’s still an urge to travel and get out with friends, so look into that. It never hurts to break free from the status quo once in a while. Sunflower: http://www.whats-your-sign.com/symbolic-sunflower-meaning.html.

Scorpio—Try to stay on the right path this week. It’s time to let go of what was and any outdated version of what happiness and success means. Embrace change and forge ahead. The cup has run dry on a relationship with an Earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). Let it go. You have a lot of fire energy this week: passion, creativity, sexuality, but use it wisely. Balance those emotions, Scorpio. Be fair, to yourself, and others. Mars: http://www.whats-your-sign.com/mars-symbol-and-symbolism.html.

Sagittarius—You’re emotionally waking away from an earth-sign, or they’re walking away from you. All those declarations of love and financial abundance can’t keep them in an emotional prison, or vice-versa. The suggestion is to stop fighting for the top spot. There will be no winner in this battle. There never is in love; you either stand on equal ground, or you let the other person go with grace. Use grace, Sag. Don’t cling to false truths, and don’t listen to them from anyone else. Seek the truth, be the truth. The real truth. Crescent moon: http://yourdailyoracle.blogspot.com/2010/10/waxing-crescent-moon-and-its-meaning.html.

Capricorn—This should be a better week for you, Capricorn. I see money, positive messages, completion and change. You will be looking back at your life, but the suggestion is to not linger. Sometimes, Capricorn, you move too slow. This week is all bout embracing newness and moving forward with much more energy than you typically employ. Let old situations based on deception end. They must end. A fire sign is looking one way, and rebirth is looking the other. Which one do you choose? Once you have learned all there is to know from the past, you can set it free. And when you do, you will be free as well. Orchid (femininity, grace): http://www.auntyflo.com/flower-dictionary/orchid.

Aquarius—This is your time to manifest all the things you want in your life. You’ve had a difficult year concerning love and finances, but that’s all about to change. Let go of outdated karmic situations, and trust in the divine. Fly free—it’s sounds cliché, but it’s so true. The key to manifestation is meditation. Seek a quiet place, a sanctuary, and listen. Twilight—I saw dusk with a starry sky, and The Star card came up for you . . . which is YOUR card, Aquarius. What more needs to be said? This is a magic week for you!

Pisces—Work, and money, have you feeling trapped. Or is the problem that you see money as the ultimate path to freedom? You’re raging at the machine, instead of molding yourself to its fine mechanisms. Everything, it seems, is out of balance. An earth-sign woman will not be playing games anymore. The lesson in this is: hoarding people as much as you do money is wrong; see them as what they really are: living creatures with hearts and minds, and souls. When you do this, beautiful things happen. Frog (adapt): http://www.auntyflo.com/dream-dictionary/frog.

For a private reading, you can email me at: earthspirittarot8 @ gmail dot com. Had to write that wonky so I don't get phished. Basically take out the spaces and use an actual dot. ; ) Thank you!

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