Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Weekly tarotscope reading for all signs:

May not be able to do this every week, but thought I'd throw one in today.

The week of June 29th:

Aries—You may start the week feeling like you’re ready to knock down anyone who dominates in a relationship. Finances may be tight, and partnerships in business or love might not be in the best of standings. Take some time to ground yourself: go outside, take in a nature walk, do some gardening. Enjoy the simple things. This is a good week for creative projects.

Taurus—Right now you are feeling stressed over relationships, and money. It’s time to balance the books and let go of the past. If someone has been deceiving you in love, truth and justice will come in. Emotionally, you’ve already dealt with the heartache and are ready to move on. Getting to a particular goal has been a heavy load, but you’re almost there. Don’t give up!

Gemini—You are being guided to a well-starred outcome from past troubles. Even if justice hasn’t yet been served to those who might have deceived you over money, or love, a brighter day is coming. You will feel the weight of past stresses lighten, and by the end of the week you have a new plan that will serve you well.

Cancer—This week you are feeling overburdened and tired. Perhaps someone in your life, the controlling sort, is partying too much, and, is it possible there’s a third wheel in the mix? In addition, you may feel that the money you’ve been waiting on is too slow in coming. But the wheels of fortune are still turning. Take some time this week to get out and enjoy life. Remember to stay focused and balanced. The finances you need will get here eventually. Don’t forget, you are the queen, or king, of calm.

Leo—You may be feeling sorry for yourself this week, but instead of wallowing in self-pity, use any quiet time you have to reflect on your strengths and harvest that which you wish to manifest in your life right now. Money may be tight, but you have all the tools to twist things in your favor. In love, secrets may be afoot. Any past relationships based on karma might need to be reviewed. In other words, let go of the past.

Virgo—Someone has knocked you off your feet, Virgo, but don’t let that stop you from getting out into the world and having fun. A message within an iffy relationship is not what you wish to hear. In fact, it’s downright depressing. Take what you’ve learned and move on. Don’t let a trickster, liar, cheater get you down. The cards show a very manipulative person who has trouble with facts. Let them go. Any aftershocks will be minor and you will land on your feet again.

Libra—Patience in money, learning to curb overspending, and upholding justice—these are your hot topics for the week. Be kind to yourself if you overstep any of the aforementioned boundaries, but do not let your guard down when it comes to people outside your circle of trust. If there is a fire-sign woman in your midst who promises the best of the best, assume that not everything she says is pure fact. If a move is in the mix, the devil is in the details. Take it slow and read the contract with a magnifying glass. By the end of the week you are looking good, feeling strong and a water-sign may show up to offer you a drink from his cup of love. It’s up to you to decide if the water’s safe enough to drink.

Scorpio—The week starts off with every cup filled to the brim: a cup for love, family, home and work, but trouble is in the mix. Someone is judging you too harshly, or are you the one doing the judging? An earth-sign woman is feeling down, trapped, and children are involved. A father figure asserts his power too much. Whether you’re the innocent, or guilty, someone’s ready to move on. The good news is, there’s a fresh start of something beautiful on the way. Grasp onto it, Scorpio. Also, you may be hoping for a vacation getaway. If so, make sure to do anything necessary to get your car in shape, and don’t forget the sunscreen!

Sagittarius—There’s a battle going that isn’t worth the fight. You may have sold your soul to the Devil to get something to go your way, and now you’d like to buy it back. Sleepless nights, feeling stuck . . . are you dealing with a fire-sign woman who reins her love tightly? Sagittarius, you have the ability to gain your power back. Let go of old issues and drop the heavy load. It’s time to look to a new horizon and choose a healthier, and happier, lifestyle. If you do, something once taken (your soul) will be returned.

Capricorn—You were out in the cold, but not anymore. If someone knocked you off your feet with a firm denial of any underhanded behavior, trust your impeccable sixth sense. Because it’s right. A new home may be in your midst, but you’d better start saving. Don’t let your guard down about a fire-sign male (or female) who acts more like a child than an adult. Feeling trapped? You do have the power to break free and you do not have to repeat an old pattern that has left you feeling chained. Forget those who assert their power over yours. Justice will be served. Was there a wish you wanted to come true? The universe says: yes.

Aquarius—You are looking back at your life and taking stock of all the things that went right and wrong. There’s an energy of peace and balance for you this week that will aid in healing. Take hold of it. Victory will come in matters of love. Perhaps not full justice, but the knowledge that new hope is just beyond the horizon should cheer you up. Business looks good, and real estate holds promise. Just make sure someone around, a fire-sign or water-sign, isn’t draining the funds in any secret and/or illegal endeavors.

Pisces—You need balance. Pisces, this is the prefect time to reflect upon past behaviors, and possible addictions, that have brought chaos to your life. The world is in your hands and a beautiful influence from the universe wishes to sweep you away to a happier, and much healthier, existence. Justice will come in terms of money. There’s a fresh start when it comes to handling your finances, that is, if you don’t waste it all on the ‘good life.’ The only thing that comes from gluttony is a heavy gut. Rein it in. Also, in terms of love, let go a little bit. Okay, a lot. Someone is ready to give you a tongue thrashing, an air-sign, and this time you might have to listen.

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