Pisces 2015
Five of
Pentacles—In January there will be a wish unmet, and an all-around feeling of
not having enough in life. The problem is, what is it that you really want,
Pisces? You’re the dreamer, the fantasy monger. You need to decide what would
bring you the most value and happiness in life, and send the word out to the Universe. But remember, wishes can sometimes be like a cheap paper prize in a
box of Cracker Jacks. Manifest wisely.
Four of
Pentacles—Have you ever held a wet bar of soap and watched it jump out of your
hands, over and over? Some things are impossible to grasp, yet you do so with
determination—to the point of exhaustion. If the thing, or person, you’re
holding onto feels like gravity going the other way, let go. If they come back,
good. If they don’t, it wasn’t meant to be. In February, Pisces, loosen your
grip and accept the feeling of freedom that comes back like a boomerang.
Ten of Cups—In
March, there’s a choice to be made. You can have it all, but you must let go of
foolish ideals. Is money happiness to you, or is it more a feeling of power,
like being the single roost of the coop? Only a fool would think he can have it
all, or should have it all. Sometimes the little things are the big things. Find
happiness in simplicity, and real grandiosity will blossom.
Nine of
Swords—In April, you may be feeling trapped by a long-time relationship.
Possesed is more like it. Afraid to let the other person breathe or move or
even think—and in doing so, you’re unable to breathe, move or think. I’ll Never Let You Go, sounds like a
nice song-title, but a horrible basis for a loving relationship. The entrapment
you feel—those chains—will fall away when you make the right choice.
Two of
Pentacles—In May, you have fire at your heels, spurring you to make things
happen right now. But it would be better for you to sit back and stick those dogs
in a cool bath. Whatever is meant to come your way, will. It’s useless to force
or rush the matter. By taking the time to allow the Universe to do its work,
the results will be more to your liking.
Knight of
Cups—You’re a Rhinestone Cowboy sitting up on a high horse, parading through
town with twinkling lights and fresh leather chaps. Pardon me for being so
rough, Pisces, but that horse needs a good bath. It wouldn’t hurt you to spend
a little time taking care of other beings on this earth other than yourself.
You got a big heart, and a reputation to uphold. June is the month to show the
world that you care. That you’re more than a vest full of cubic zirconia.
Five of
Swords—In business, or pleasure, you must hold yourself to high standards Do not take the easy way out, or try to cheat others, all in the wish
to get ahead. In July, it is dire that you stop coveting what he has, or she
has, or they have. You must put in the work for any gains that you would like to
honestly call your own. It’s the only way.
Page of
Pentacles—How many men looked to the West in the pioneer days and decided to up
and leave everything, just for the idea of the unknown? It’s not a bad thing.
You need open space and a fresh start. The sun is in the West, and there’s
dark, shadowy demons in the East. You created these demons, and they want to
claim you forever. Unchain yourself and ride the route of a true pioneer. In
other words, in all things emotional and spiritual, go west, young man (or
Five of
Cups—In September, it’s not enough to have two cups, you want all of the cups. It really, really
bothers you—those three missing cups. But in life, it’s always better to graciously
accept that which you still have, instead of torturing yourself about what you
don’t. Because, there’s always going to be something that is unacceptable, or
wrong, or annoying, or just plain unavailable. Once you understand that, things
get a lot easier. You can have it all, some
of the time. And you can have some of it, most of the time. But you can’t have
it all, all of the time. You just
can’t. I think Bob Dylan kind of sort of said something like that. Enjoy what
you have, Pisces, even if it’s not everything and all and the best and exactly
what you thought you had to have. Because one day you may not have anything,
and you’ll pine for those two cups.
Ace of
Pentacles—In October, the Universe wants to gift you with something
spectacular. It could be money, or a new job, or (you fill in the blank). Maybe
it’s clarity that you need. Bam! The Universe will hand it over. Or maybe you
want your spirituality to reach a new level. Bam! Do you get what I’m trying to say, Pisces? It’s not always financial things that you want, and the
Universe knows. Sometimes your heart sends out messages you’re not even aware
of. We are all connected to the Divine with a golden thread. Like an umbilical
chord, it delivers our needs and desires to the Divine, and the Divine sends to
us an intravenous dosage of goodness and healing. So, you’re going to get something good, but it may
not be exactly what you’d brag about to Bob at the office over a cup of Folgers.
Just in case though, go ahead and buy some lottery tickets. You might get
Knight of
Swords—In November, I would advise against breaking any speed limits, or
mouthing off, or just basically doing anything illegal or stupid. It’s good
advice in any month, but this one in particular. Check yourself, and things will
be fine.
Five of
Rods—In December you are fighting the old system, raging ahead, because it
feels like someone else will take what you believe to be rightfully yours. It’s
a gamble with a high chance of gain, and an even higher risk of loss. Try to
find some middle ground. See both sides before setting fire to the entire town.
You may
have noticed there are a lot of fives in your reading, Pisces. I’m not trying
to call you out, but consider this entire 2015 tarotscope as a friendly
warning. In tarot, five can stand for aggression, control, authority,
manipulation, addiction and a whole lot of other negative stuff. It may feel
like you are in control, but eventually it’s you who are enslaved by these acts
of power. Every month seemed to hold a good choice, and a bad choice. I’d say
that is pretty darn awesome. Pisces, you have the choice to do great things—to
be compassionate, to elevate yourself in spirituality, to find the higher, and
more illuminated, road. So please consider that and let it sit for a while. I
wish you the best!
Have a
wonderful 2015. Peace & love.
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