I pull an I Ching message at least once every day, usually in the morning, and find that it's quite accurate to whatever situation I'm going through. I Ching (ee-ching) is an ancient Chinese divination using six lines of random numbers which build into a hexagram. Because the numbers are random, you receive a unique message each time, but again, very relevant on a personal level. Unlike tarot where you use intuition and surrounding cards to derive a meaning, the I Ching provides an instant text that corresponds to the hexagram.
I pulled one this morning, 21: Cutting Through. Very accurate to my situation. I've had someone block my texts, emails, phone calls. They're pretty much trying to block me from progress in life, and they do show up in my tarot readings daily as a negative force. It was interesting yesterday how my spread showed me moving ahead in life on an emotional level, and there were three cards representing my 'hacker' (the seven of swords, the page of swords, the night of swords) and they were all facing the other way. Interesting. Needless to say, the stress of this has caused nausea, body aches, sleepless nights, fear, panic attacks. I'm just about at my last rope. But anyway, I'm not going to elaborate any more than that.
This paragraph caught my attention in particular, as I had a dream the other night in which I heard the phrase, "Quick decisive action."
Those who bring discipline to bear must, above all, be honest — with
others, and with themselves. Honesty is the hallmark of the strong and
self-confident. The successful person masters the art of honesty much as
a swordsman masters fencing. When lies, delusions and game-playing are
getting in the way of teamwork, a swift sword of honest action, perhaps
even punishment, must be wielded to protect one’s integrity and values.
Decisiveness with integrity at a time like this brings good fortune.
It will never make sense when other people inflict harm upon us. It is nice to know that the Universe wants to offer guidance and love in times of chaos and pain.
I wish you the best today! Peace.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Free Reading
In the essence of being helpful, and of building up some major good karma for myself, I would like to give away two free tarot readings. If there is anyone out there in need of one (and of course it must be stated that all tarot readings are for pure entertainment only!), I'll be happy to provide the service. Just let me know in the comments. The reading will be written and sent out in pdf format with picture included, much like the one above.
Peace & Happiness to you this Saturday!
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Tarotscope for Pisces, 2015
Pisces 2015
Five of
Pentacles—In January there will be a wish unmet, and an all-around feeling of
not having enough in life. The problem is, what is it that you really want,
Pisces? You’re the dreamer, the fantasy monger. You need to decide what would
bring you the most value and happiness in life, and send the word out to the Universe. But remember, wishes can sometimes be like a cheap paper prize in a
box of Cracker Jacks. Manifest wisely.
Four of
Pentacles—Have you ever held a wet bar of soap and watched it jump out of your
hands, over and over? Some things are impossible to grasp, yet you do so with
determination—to the point of exhaustion. If the thing, or person, you’re
holding onto feels like gravity going the other way, let go. If they come back,
good. If they don’t, it wasn’t meant to be. In February, Pisces, loosen your
grip and accept the feeling of freedom that comes back like a boomerang.
Ten of Cups—In
March, there’s a choice to be made. You can have it all, but you must let go of
foolish ideals. Is money happiness to you, or is it more a feeling of power,
like being the single roost of the coop? Only a fool would think he can have it
all, or should have it all. Sometimes the little things are the big things. Find
happiness in simplicity, and real grandiosity will blossom.
Nine of
Swords—In April, you may be feeling trapped by a long-time relationship.
Possesed is more like it. Afraid to let the other person breathe or move or
even think—and in doing so, you’re unable to breathe, move or think. I’ll Never Let You Go, sounds like a
nice song-title, but a horrible basis for a loving relationship. The entrapment
you feel—those chains—will fall away when you make the right choice.
Two of
Pentacles—In May, you have fire at your heels, spurring you to make things
happen right now. But it would be better for you to sit back and stick those dogs
in a cool bath. Whatever is meant to come your way, will. It’s useless to force
or rush the matter. By taking the time to allow the Universe to do its work,
the results will be more to your liking.
Knight of
Cups—You’re a Rhinestone Cowboy sitting up on a high horse, parading through
town with twinkling lights and fresh leather chaps. Pardon me for being so
rough, Pisces, but that horse needs a good bath. It wouldn’t hurt you to spend
a little time taking care of other beings on this earth other than yourself.
You got a big heart, and a reputation to uphold. June is the month to show the
world that you care. That you’re more than a vest full of cubic zirconia.
Five of
Swords—In business, or pleasure, you must hold yourself to high standards Do not take the easy way out, or try to cheat others, all in the wish
to get ahead. In July, it is dire that you stop coveting what he has, or she
has, or they have. You must put in the work for any gains that you would like to
honestly call your own. It’s the only way.
Page of
Pentacles—How many men looked to the West in the pioneer days and decided to up
and leave everything, just for the idea of the unknown? It’s not a bad thing.
You need open space and a fresh start. The sun is in the West, and there’s
dark, shadowy demons in the East. You created these demons, and they want to
claim you forever. Unchain yourself and ride the route of a true pioneer. In
other words, in all things emotional and spiritual, go west, young man (or
Five of
Cups—In September, it’s not enough to have two cups, you want all of the cups. It really, really
bothers you—those three missing cups. But in life, it’s always better to graciously
accept that which you still have, instead of torturing yourself about what you
don’t. Because, there’s always going to be something that is unacceptable, or
wrong, or annoying, or just plain unavailable. Once you understand that, things
get a lot easier. You can have it all, some
of the time. And you can have some of it, most of the time. But you can’t have
it all, all of the time. You just
can’t. I think Bob Dylan kind of sort of said something like that. Enjoy what
you have, Pisces, even if it’s not everything and all and the best and exactly
what you thought you had to have. Because one day you may not have anything,
and you’ll pine for those two cups.
Ace of
Pentacles—In October, the Universe wants to gift you with something
spectacular. It could be money, or a new job, or (you fill in the blank). Maybe
it’s clarity that you need. Bam! The Universe will hand it over. Or maybe you
want your spirituality to reach a new level. Bam! Do you get what I’m trying to say, Pisces? It’s not always financial things that you want, and the
Universe knows. Sometimes your heart sends out messages you’re not even aware
of. We are all connected to the Divine with a golden thread. Like an umbilical
chord, it delivers our needs and desires to the Divine, and the Divine sends to
us an intravenous dosage of goodness and healing. So, you’re going to get something good, but it may
not be exactly what you’d brag about to Bob at the office over a cup of Folgers.
Just in case though, go ahead and buy some lottery tickets. You might get
Knight of
Swords—In November, I would advise against breaking any speed limits, or
mouthing off, or just basically doing anything illegal or stupid. It’s good
advice in any month, but this one in particular. Check yourself, and things will
be fine.
Five of
Rods—In December you are fighting the old system, raging ahead, because it
feels like someone else will take what you believe to be rightfully yours. It’s
a gamble with a high chance of gain, and an even higher risk of loss. Try to
find some middle ground. See both sides before setting fire to the entire town.
You may
have noticed there are a lot of fives in your reading, Pisces. I’m not trying
to call you out, but consider this entire 2015 tarotscope as a friendly
warning. In tarot, five can stand for aggression, control, authority,
manipulation, addiction and a whole lot of other negative stuff. It may feel
like you are in control, but eventually it’s you who are enslaved by these acts
of power. Every month seemed to hold a good choice, and a bad choice. I’d say
that is pretty darn awesome. Pisces, you have the choice to do great things—to
be compassionate, to elevate yourself in spirituality, to find the higher, and
more illuminated, road. So please consider that and let it sit for a while. I
wish you the best!
Have a
wonderful 2015. Peace & love.
Chakra Cleaning
I'm finally finishing up the 2015 tarotscope for Pisces—shew! So much for January, right? Sorry about that, and thanks for being patient with me!
Today I wanted to write a quick post about chakra clearing, and believe me, a year ago I would have thought the whole thing was crazy and exited this post like an ice cube outta Hell. But the truth is, chakras are very much part of our spiritual makeup and need the same kind of attention that we give to our physical selves. We exercise, drink water and insist on getting a good night's rest, but often ignore our 'invisible' skin. Chakras are aligned portals (I guess that's a good word . . .) that absorb spiritual energy. They can become blocked, drained, and can at times soak up negative energy from other people, or situations that we surround ourselves with.
The whole thing is fairly new to me, but I can honestly say chakra cleaning is an effective and important practice. Back in October I was having trouble balancing my energy, and couldn't figure out why on earth I was going from extremely happy and vibrant, to way down in the trash bin of emptiness and despair. Something was around me, a negativity that I'd absorbed and couldn't shake off. I could sense it, because upon leaving the house it would dissolve and then reattach minutes within coming back through the front door. After reading about the crown chakra, I tried a video on YouTube that didn't look too 'weird' or new agey, if that's possible! Through a guided meditation I was taught how to open up and illuminate a space a few inches from the top of my head so it could be cleared and cleansed, which then allowed the Divine to pour in and heal me from the inside out. After the meditation I got up and walked thorough the house, and it was like a million pounds had dissapated from my body. I was so happy—and almost giddy. Call me a believer!
So, I know it sounds strange, but for me it worked. I do find that I have to repeat the meditation every once in a while because I am still in the same negative space because . . . apparently I am having to help someone else go through a karmic lesson. Oh boy.
Did all of that sound absolutely insane? Haha, that's okay. I'm just the messenger. I would never tell anyone else what to do or how to believe. Talk about bad karma! But again, I found it effective.
Something else just occurred to me that I wanted to tell you about. I was in the kitchen one night doing the dishes and was really thinking hard, to the point that I was oblivious to the world, and when I thought of a certain positive action I wanted to take to improve my life, the whole room lit up. It was so much brighter in that second that I literally stopped what I was doing and turned around to see if someone had turned on a flashlight. My kids do that--they'll walk into the room with a flashlight and burn your eyes out for fun, lol. But I was alone. In that moment I knew that the negative energy that had been surrounded me, had been cleared away by that one positive thought. That, my angels had stepped in and said: you're on the right path. It was a big 'Yes' moment. My message here is, our angels are always with us and will give little signals when we've hit on a train of thought that is aligned with our highest good. I've had a few other similar things happen to me, but the other thing I wanted to mention was that last week when I was being presented with a stressful option and felt cornered and confused, another white feather showed up. A huge white feather. So that was two last week, right when I needed guidance and love. Our angels and spirit guides (and the Divine) are always looking out for us. They want to guide and protect us, but can't if we don't let them. Remember to call on them for help, and always keep your eyes and thoughts open to their little 'messages.' In particular, take note of your dreams each morning. This is how the other side speaks to us the most.
I hope you have a beautiful day, and I wish you a ton of happiness and prosperity! And love.
Today I wanted to write a quick post about chakra clearing, and believe me, a year ago I would have thought the whole thing was crazy and exited this post like an ice cube outta Hell. But the truth is, chakras are very much part of our spiritual makeup and need the same kind of attention that we give to our physical selves. We exercise, drink water and insist on getting a good night's rest, but often ignore our 'invisible' skin. Chakras are aligned portals (I guess that's a good word . . .) that absorb spiritual energy. They can become blocked, drained, and can at times soak up negative energy from other people, or situations that we surround ourselves with.
The whole thing is fairly new to me, but I can honestly say chakra cleaning is an effective and important practice. Back in October I was having trouble balancing my energy, and couldn't figure out why on earth I was going from extremely happy and vibrant, to way down in the trash bin of emptiness and despair. Something was around me, a negativity that I'd absorbed and couldn't shake off. I could sense it, because upon leaving the house it would dissolve and then reattach minutes within coming back through the front door. After reading about the crown chakra, I tried a video on YouTube that didn't look too 'weird' or new agey, if that's possible! Through a guided meditation I was taught how to open up and illuminate a space a few inches from the top of my head so it could be cleared and cleansed, which then allowed the Divine to pour in and heal me from the inside out. After the meditation I got up and walked thorough the house, and it was like a million pounds had dissapated from my body. I was so happy—and almost giddy. Call me a believer!
So, I know it sounds strange, but for me it worked. I do find that I have to repeat the meditation every once in a while because I am still in the same negative space because . . . apparently I am having to help someone else go through a karmic lesson. Oh boy.
Did all of that sound absolutely insane? Haha, that's okay. I'm just the messenger. I would never tell anyone else what to do or how to believe. Talk about bad karma! But again, I found it effective.
Something else just occurred to me that I wanted to tell you about. I was in the kitchen one night doing the dishes and was really thinking hard, to the point that I was oblivious to the world, and when I thought of a certain positive action I wanted to take to improve my life, the whole room lit up. It was so much brighter in that second that I literally stopped what I was doing and turned around to see if someone had turned on a flashlight. My kids do that--they'll walk into the room with a flashlight and burn your eyes out for fun, lol. But I was alone. In that moment I knew that the negative energy that had been surrounded me, had been cleared away by that one positive thought. That, my angels had stepped in and said: you're on the right path. It was a big 'Yes' moment. My message here is, our angels are always with us and will give little signals when we've hit on a train of thought that is aligned with our highest good. I've had a few other similar things happen to me, but the other thing I wanted to mention was that last week when I was being presented with a stressful option and felt cornered and confused, another white feather showed up. A huge white feather. So that was two last week, right when I needed guidance and love. Our angels and spirit guides (and the Divine) are always looking out for us. They want to guide and protect us, but can't if we don't let them. Remember to call on them for help, and always keep your eyes and thoughts open to their little 'messages.' In particular, take note of your dreams each morning. This is how the other side speaks to us the most.
I hope you have a beautiful day, and I wish you a ton of happiness and prosperity! And love.
Monday, February 2, 2015
Tarotscope for Aquarius, 2015
Aquarius 2015
Eight of
Pentacles—In January, you may be feeling as if you’re on the precipice of
something great when it comes to work, but you just can’t seem to get past the ‘belief’
factor that anything good will ever really happen to you. It’s time to change
that old mindset—the kind based on monetary rewards instead of enjoyment. If
you love something, do it with a pure heart. Do it because it makes you happy.
Instant reward. Instant happiness. And, you never know, the Universe just might
be about to bestow you with magic. Beautiful magic.
Eight of
Cups—Did you know 2015 is an ‘eight’ year in numerology? Among many meanings, eight stands for
balance, power, confidence and prosperity. You had an eight in January, and now
you have an eight in February. Just how much do you believe you’re capable of,
Aquarius? How much have you been holding back? Has someone else been holding
you back? This month you might find yourself on an emotional (or real) journey
from that which once fettered your beautiful soul. There’s so much opportunity,
it ain’t even funny. Don’t let others keep you from achieving your dreams. You’re
too good for that. We all deserve a proper chance at success. Each and every
one of us. So, step past the threshold of 'what might have been’ and ‘what you
haven’t been able to achieve’ and turn it into ‘it will be so.’
Nine of
Swords—If only we could wear real armor, life would be so much easier. Yes,
steel is heavy, hot, loud, and it rusts.
We can’t wear armor, Aquarius. You know that. We have to protect ourselves in
other ways. In March, it’s time to drape that invisible shield called strength on your soul to
fend off those who might wish you harm. It’s also called Faith; Hope; Divine
Love. And, you are loved.
April, a water-sign male (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) is on one side of the plank,
and you’re on the other. Beneath, the water is choppy and there’s a slight
chill to the air. Above, he’s begging with arms outstretched to give him just one more chance. The problem is, he
said that last week. And the week before. And the week before that. You
get the picture. Are you really going to repeat this karmic lesson over and
over again? Consider this—who led you to the plank in the first place? And . . . do
you really like clam chowder . . . (Hint: A fire-sign woman might row up in a
canoe to help you out—so you do have options!)
is power in the real world, though people seldom use it. In May, let go of old
dogma and self-defeating limitations, and allow yourself to believe in all things
mystical. Play a game with yourself: What would I do if I could have anything I
wanted? It’s harmless and fun. So, Aquarius, what would you do?
June, you still have to deal with someone who plays underhanded games. Spying, manipulation,
lies. Who needs that? You’re an adult, and the best solution involves turning
away from the drama and continuing on with whatever makes you happy. Let the
Universe deal with Mister (or Miss) Zero.
July, Aquarius, don’t look back. Remember that guy in “Raiders of the Lost Ark’
who had his face melt off because he just ‘had to look?' The Universe wants you
to know that you are powerful, exceptional, magnificent. The old way no longer
serves you. The new way wants to raise you to new heights of existence and
celebrate your ultimate potential. So, don’t be the guy whose face melts off.
Just don’t.
Ten of Cups—It
can’t get much better than this. It’s ultimate happiness and contentment. It’s
reaching your dreams on a spiritual, physical and emotional level. It’s being
safe, being wanted, being loved. You’re in the right place at the right time.
Finally. In August, life will be beautiful because you believed it could be so.
Four of
Pentacles—In September, you might take an emotional step back to survey the
situation. I guess a little introspection never hurt anyone. But if it’s based on fear,
you’ll have to set a time limit. Don’t let insecurity and events from the past
turn things sour. What happened before won’t happen again. You’re a different
person now. In other words, don’t hold tight to love. Let it grow.
Queen of
Cups—This might be the more psychic side of yourself, beckoning you to soften
up and trust. In October, instead of turning into a LMN movie character who
rips up their ex's gym shorts with a steak knife from Texas Roadhouse, find a
way to open up that more sensual side of yourself, and be loving instead.
Two of
Pentacles—Again, you’re faced with a choice: go the dark, twisted, uncertain
path or the bright and brilliant walkway. This November, don’t please those who
don’t please you. If someone is still deceiving you and pointing out all your
faults, tell them it’s over. Beautiful things await those who sacrifice. Eh,
what sacrifice? Get rid of the loser once and for all.
Six of Cups—In
December, an old friend might send you an urgent message. I guess it’s
okay to meet them for drinks to reminisce and smooth things over. It could be a lot of fun. Sometimes
we discover hidden facets of ourselves when looking back at once was. But don’t
stay in the past forever. Life is pretty damn good now.
Aquarius, 2015 is a powerful year for you. There will be endings, beginnings
and a blossoming of your beautiful self. Remember to keep moving through it all, like a river.
Move, as in, accept the change, embrace the change, learn from the change. This
is the year of your rebirth. And this is the year the Universe wants to lead you toward freedom.
Tarotscope for Capricorn, 2015
Capricorn 2015
open up the year with conviction and clarity. In January you’re
determined to make your life a success, and that means not allowing others to
take advantage of you any more. It’s okay to stand your ground and tell it like
it is, but remember to soften your words just enough so they’re not bitter
Seven of
Swords—In February there might be a sneaky person in the mix, and you’ve just
about had enough of it. Lies and downright cheating, and no one’s going to own
up to the act! You always play by the rules, so it really hurts when others
haven’t the same consideration. It’s a ridiculous game, but they’ll get caught
eventually. In the meantime, remember that you’re above this and more than
anything . . . it’s what you cherish the most that can’t ever be stolen: an
undying trust in the human spirit that shines like a
Seven of
Pentacles—It could be that you are out of work and have just about given up
finding a decent job. Look again. In March, your determination and impeccable
work ethic will lead you to something fabulous. Use your intuition to sniff out
King of
Pentacles—If this isn’t you, it’s a person in your life who will bring you one
step closer to happiness and fulfillment in career and finances. In April,
it’s time to look past what no longer serves you, and move toward all the best
that life has to offer. Keep your eyes open, Capricorn.
Seven of
Rods—In May, a relationship you’re in might require a little breathing space.
It’s okay to admit you need a break. It’s also okay to set limits and review
what works and what doesn’t.
The Hermit—In
June, Your sabatacal may have reached a new level of intensity. You might conduct long conversations with yourself while walking along the beach. Or maybe
you’ll go to the movies and feel relief that the seat next to you is empty—no
one will talk your head off or spoil the plot! It’s okay to be alone. In life you will go through periods of
introspection and solitude. Who are you? What do you want in life? In love?
What are your deepest, most aching needs? These questions can only be answered
through the induction of thought, and then action. Right now you’re in the
former, and it’s a beautiful thing.
The Emperor—We
all wear stripes, whether we’ve been in physical battle or not. Invisible
stripes. We are also king or queen of our domain. In July, whatever you wish to
keep and protect, you will. Just don’t let your ‘ownership mentality’ infringe
on someone else’s territory.
Eight of
Cups—In August, Capricorn, you are ready to leave that which no longer serves
your highest good. Bad habits, bad relationships, or maybe even a bad work
environment. Stagnation is for mold, not humans. Don’t let the rot of your
insecurity keep you from pursing greatness. The angels are practically pushing
you out the door! Trust their ‘gentle’ nudges, because they know what’s best!
Two of
Pentacles—It’s when you are on the right path that the dark side amps up its
efforts of destruction. In September, you are feeling good and working
diligently to improve your work situation, but someone else wont' have it. Just remember to keep an invisible
armor around yourself to protect you from those that might wish a less than
positive outcome. Visualizing white light is an effective way to shield off any
negativity you might encounter. Also, don’t be gullible. You don’t have to
believe what a person tells you, no matter how kind or innocent they appear.
You have the right to be cynical in any situation.
The Lovers—In
October, when loves comes to your door and says, “Trick or Treat,” make sure
you hand out more than just one piece of peanut butter taffy. How about an
entire handful? And why not chocolate instead? What I’m saying, Capricorn, is to
not be stingy. You get what you give.
Two of Cups—Tea
for two, and two for tea. Love is a dance. A Tango. A partnership. You step
this way, they step that way. You dip them, they step on your big toe. Okay, so
sometimes love is a work-in-progress, but if you keep a big smile on your face
and enjoy the music, it’s more progress than work. Someone really loves you,
Capricorn. They want to go all the way: marriage, home, a family. How does that
sound to you? One, two three . . .
Eight of
Rods—In December, you’ll attend various get-togethers, and eat five different
versions of pecan pie. Someone at one of these parties is going to throw out a
comment you don’t agree with. It’s biting and cold, just like the weather
outside. But you don’t have to let it get to you. You know what you want, and
you know how you feel. Don’t let anyone else tell you what’s good in
love or business. You have every right to point to the offender, then your
mother’s steaming turkey, and say, “Get stuffed.”
So, dear Capricorn, 2015 looks to be an interesting year. You have every opportunity to find a better job, love, and most importantly you'll find out what it means to be strong and stand up for what you believe. You are the earth and the mountains. No one can move you. If someone wants to make a point, they'll have to climb your magnificent heights, or turn around and go the other way. Stay strong, and stay grounded.
Happy 2015! Peace.
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