Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A Split

This is frustrating. The problems I've been having with a hacker are now, I believe, affecting other people. If you know me, you know that when it comes to others being affected, I get really upset. And the other less important issue out of all this is that someone might think I'm the hacker. This is so crazy. Yes, I have put legal disclaimers everywhere, and yes, I have spoken to the person I feel might be at fault. But apparently nothing has changed because the guilty party doesn't care. That's all I'm going to say about that from a personal standpoint.

It does lead to an interesting topic though—why are some people so rotten, and other people so conscientious? Why does such a wide rift of goodness exist in our society? Like drivers on a road, we all need to trust each other, and yet when that trust is decayed by someone's less than positive actions, you become a driver on permanent guard and the world turns into a dark and dangerous place. What an unhealthy way to live, right? And yet, there are times when being on guard is the most positive action to take.

Last night I received the I Ching: Splitting Apart. Quite a dramatic reading, to be honest. It basically says that when there is corruption it is best to lie low and allow the negative forces (and people) to burn themselves out, much like a farmer burns a 'dead' field in order to regenerate the soil. We live in a society where when something bad happens we run and yell, when in reality sometimes it's best to be silent, find shelter and wait. I know, it sounds like victim mentality, however, what does one do in a raging battle? Run into the line of fire while waving a red flag? We all know that would be stupid. If the enemy is closing in, you don't run into action, you form a protective barrier while also finding a means of escape.

These are confusing times, and my problems are most likely a reflection of much bigger problems the rest of the world is facing. Meditation and contemplation will always be the best means of dealing with a tricky issue, as well as being on guard and putting up limitations. How interesting that these ancient texts still resonate for so many of us today.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


I find it somewhat difficult to remember my dreams upon waking up each morning. My eyes open, life churns into action. Animals, kids, coffee, school. Dream forgotten. That's not unusual—most people are too busy to remember what they dreamed about the night before, and most feel it unnecessary to pick the imagery apart and apply the meanings to everyday existence. In a spiritual sense, dreams are a time of healing, a time to connect with the invisible realm, and also a time to dredge and address the issues we often push under the rug in our wake state. The symbolism, though often too surreal to comprehend, reflects that which we fear and which also can be our biggest asset, similar to the way tarot forces us to see our weaknesses and strengths.

Last night I had a dream that I was traveling by car to an unknown location. It felt like a work trip,  maybe doing book readings, or playing music. I pulled into a small town and decided to stop at a meek-looking hotel, which actually turned out to be a lot grander on the inside. It had an oasis feel to it: ferns hanging from the ceiling, brass and gold accents, a water feature, leather chairs with people lounging around with drinks in their hands. I checked in and went to find my room on the second floor, but my 'room' turned out to be a tiny bed in a closet—with no door. Not good. Not only that, but suddenly my daughter shows up and I have to find a bed for her as well, and I certainly can't have her sleeping in a closet! So, we go back down to the lobby where I demand an actual room with an actual bed. No problem. But instead of a key, they give me a piece of paper with a gold stamp on it. Fancy. I'm excited about it, because any room that needs a gold stamp must be really nice. However, before going back upstairs, I run into Pat Sajak. Yes, that's right. The game show host. I'm really excited and I tell him that he's a funny guy, like Johnny Carson funny, which takes him off guard and makes him blush a bit. That's when I notice his face is covered with a map—I see little town markers and names and lines running over his forehead, which probably stand for highways.

Then I wake up.

At first it upsets me that I'll never get to see that fancy room, but later on after drinking some coffee, I realize I've been getting the World card a lot lately along with the Wheel of Fortune card. What game show does Pat Sajak host?

Should I be planning for a trip in the near future? We shall see.

So, have you been experiencing a lot of vivid dreams lately, and do you take the time to write them down? You'd be surprised by what the spirit world (and your higher self) is trying to tell you.

Have a beautiful day, and many blessings!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

In Time

Most people grow up with the belief that some are intuitive, and most others are not. That's actually not true. All of us are born with the ability, but we seldom use it. It really is like a muscle that needs to be worked out and built up. In time, the act of trusting your gut will yield a more powerful ability to sense both good and bad around you. On the other hand, a person can be incredibly intuitive yet unable to accept what is coming through about certain people or situations in their life. It's a matter of perspective—the closer you are, the more difficult it is to comprehend all aspects. When that happens, it's always best to step back, be still, and ask the Universe for guidance. You will receive the help that you need.

Blessings, and I wish you a wonderful day!