photo credit: Li Ting Wang <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/49719653@N05/39008047224">Palladium boots</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/">(license)</a> |
I don’t know what triggers the process and why certain people
ascend faster than others, but at some point we all go through a little (big) thing called ascension. One
day you wake up and feel a calling to find out why you’re on earth, and like a caterpillar
wrapping itself inside a cocoon, we awaken with a need to change and eventually spread our wings, not knowing the difficulty of such a
transformative process.
One thing I have learned is that spiritual ascension is not
a romantic process. Pictures of people sitting cross-legged on a blanket with the
sun on their face and azure waves hitting a white shoreline, well . . . that’s stretching
thigs a bit. Here’s a more accurate picture of what happens: Phil’s been having
trouble at his job, his life, his relationship. His car is on the fritz, he can barely
make ends meet, migraines knock him out every single day, he's tired all the time and it's at the point
where he doesn’t even want to get up each soul-destroying day. He beings
to ask why. Why am I here? Why is the world so messed up? Why am I so messed up? Asking a question opens a door in the universe. Problem
is, the Universe talks through lessons. Why are you here, Phil? Well, let’s see, how about I make that job even
tougher just to prove what you’re made of, what you’re willing to take,
and how much self-love you have in a world that wants you to hate yourself.
You’ve opened a can of proverbial worms and must wallow through
the dirt to make sense of it. Moments of despair are mixed with moments of
euphoria. I hate my life . . . I love my life. I love the world—but look
at all the terrible things happening around me. Then comes acceptance. You don’t
have to be a perfect person to love yourself, or to accept the world as is. Open
your heart. You are loveable, beautiful and strong--and the world is too. Forgive
yourself, and forgive those who have hurt you as well. You didn’t know, but now
you do know and it will be okay. Ascension is a multi-step process. A
continuous rise to your higher self. Your most enlightened self, your true self.
There is no final plateau. Be gentle, and remember, we’re all in this together.
As I said, with each step-up comes a new lesson. Know this, and it makes it a lot easier. And along with the outside challenges come a slew of physical symptoms.
Knowing what they are will help you to forge ahead without wanting to give up. And it would be so easy to do that. But don't give up!
Depression. If you didn’t have it before, get ready to
suddenly feel the ups and downs of the world. You are now connected to ALL, and
with that, comes the realization of humankind's deepest sadnesses. You will pick up on it, but don’t
let it destroy you. Know what are your true feelings are and what might be a universal
roller-coaster sometimes called despair and other times joy. Know
thyself, that’s the best way to discern these emotional waves.
Headaches. Located in the middle of your forehead and the
top of your head are the Third Eye and Crown Chakras--your key points to receiving from the cosmos. Headaches, sinus infections, ear, nose throat issues
are all part of that unfortunately. Things are expanding. You’re a marshmallow in
a fire pit, burning with fantastic truths. Okay, that was a stretch, but it
helps to know that the hot, aching pressure are all part of ascension.
Don’t freak out, my friend. You got this.
Fatigue. Yes, get ready to pass by every bed with a longing to
squish your exhausted body into the covers and never get up again. The cogs are
running fast and they need a break. Do yourself a favor and drink plenty of water
and hit the sheets. Well, maybe not in that order or you’ll be snoozing next to
the toilet. But you get the point. Stay hydrated, and stay rested.
Eating habits. If you know you are rising to a higher level you just might not want to cloud the old prism with any heavy, greasy or
sugary foods. Some would suggest fasting once a week to purge out the crud, but it’s up to you and your doctor. Do what’s best for YOU.
Family and friends. This is a tough one. You can eliminate
bad foods, thoughts, sleep-patterns and such, but how do you get rid of the
toxic people in your life, especially when they are connected by blood? Well,
you don’t. Not really. While you can’t get rid of those who are closest in your circle,
you can set boundaries. The word is NO. Can I come over right
now to talk about my crappy job for three hours and cry and smoke on your
couch? NO. Why? Because, I have to get everything done on my list. Oh, come on, is your list more important than me? YES (tricked you there!) Okay . . . well,
maybe some other time? It’s alarming to those who are used to the old pushover
(you) to receive a negative response. But they’ll get used to it. Anyone who
values you at all will respect your boundaries. And those who don’t—and believe
me I know a few (the ones who get mad and do mean underhanded crap just to get
back at you because they can’t handle what they perceive as rejection because
they don’t truly love or respect themselves)—should be kept at arm’s
length and seen for what they are: crippled souls with a hell of a lot to
learn. Hint: It’s not your job to teach them a damn thing. They will learn on
their own, believe me. Let’s just reiterate this fact: people who use revenge,
gossip, cruelty, blame, shame to get what they want are not on the same
spiritual path as you and they do not respect you or your time. Do not feel bad. You are on a divine mission. Feel sorry for them, but don’t feel bad. They have just royally
f*cked themselves out of your beautiful company. It’s their problem.
So, this is the road you are on. The road to enlightenment. The
road to personal truth. The more you walk that path, the more obstacles life will throw
at you. Physical, emotional, people, things, events, etc. Take each of these as
a sign that you are indeed moving in
the right direction. The rewards come in timid and almost imperceptible
packages. A gorgeous sunset. A great revelation. A new friend. A new opportunity.
Each time this happens, you have the chance to pick and choose what is right and whether or not you truly value yourself. Fear is your greatest enemy. It hates the challenges and the obstacles.
So be strong. Be open. Be fearless. You
are on the right path. And you are not alone.